
Cold Weather Rattle Can Paint Finishing?

Mr. Neutron

Junior Member
Is it possible, with some "precautions" and such, to squeak out a spray paint (not a brush on/wipe on oil type of finish) job on a guitar body outdoors in 35-40 deg. (fahrenheit) temps?

I managed to get my primer on the body by warming up the body and paint, shooting the primer, and letting it kinda gas off for 20 minutes or so. This was done in my totally unheated pole barn. I then brought the body inside the house, down in the basement, where the temp is around 60 degs., and it can be in a "somewhat" sealed area so we don't have to breathe the vapors upstairs. This worked well for the primer, but I don't wanna paint my body in the barn. Too much overspray on my junk in there, so I plan on doing the Olympic White in a makeshift spray booth outside.

I plan to use mixed auto paint in a rattle can for the base coat, from a local auto parts place with a paint store in the back. I'll probably invest a small chunk 'o' change in plastic drop cloths & tarps and make a crude, semi-breezy spray booth inside the tarp-shed thing my boat lives under. Thinking that being essentially outdoors, it should be ventilated well enough.

I'm thinkin' some of the folks here live in colder climates than I do. If you guys have ever had to paint a guitar outside, I'd really be interested  in any tips you might have. I know that for some folks, you HAVE to do this sort of thing in less than ideal circumstances, or nothing would get done. But I'm wondering if I could possibly get away with a regiment like I listed above for the primer, but spraying the automotive paint and clearcoat? 
If the humidity is high, spraying can condense the moisture out of the air right into your finish, causing blushing or hazing.
Yeah, that's another (very important!) thing to consider as well, Air Cap! I'm not sure what our relative humidity runs here in western OR, when it's NOT raining (From July 5th to August sometime......  :laughing7: ). To me, it "feels" less humid (muggy) here in OR than back in Oklahoma where I'm from......

The more I think about it, I'm beginning to believe I should probably just sit on this project until April or May, when temps are a little more hospitable to paint jobs. Unless someone drops a heated paint booth in my lap. I just recalled a conversation I had with the guy that runs that "paint store" part of one of our local auto parts places. He said the paint and clear he can mix up needs temps at a minimum of 55 degrees, with 65 being better, for everything to work together and cure. And low humidity as well. So probably best to wait on the Oly White guitar.......

I have some paint projects I need to do outdoors that don't require as good of a finish as I want on my guitars. I bought a couple of those $15 purple Harbor Freight paint guns that I need to practice with. Better would probably be to practice playing the guitars I already have, huh?  ???  :sign13:
For what it's worth , in upstate ny we wait until mid April to paint outside, you need 4 hours above 55. Learn a new song, then reward yourself with a new paint job when the song is learned.  Aprils not too far.