
CNC Time Lapse

Cagey said:
ORCRiST said:
One bottle is French, the other Czech:


And the hellbeast in the middle is the evil puss that lives in your closet and only comes out when you drink Absinthe. It forces you to lick its fur all night, so you wake up with the mouth of damnation and the dread certainty that the phillips head death driver of doom has been firmly lodged via your sinus cavities deep into the pain center of your brain. There is no escape.

Yeah, I thought it was kinda cool the flash caught the reflective light-gathering green element in his eyes... like he has
the demon alchohol in him! ....demon alchohol...lets party!  :doh:


P.S. the shit just looks evil too... I may be dating myself a little bit here, but if anything should have a "Mr. Yuck" sticker on it,
its Absinthe.
And yes, on occasion I have had fleeting thoughts about spiking the kitty's drink, but I'm afraid she would be a mean drunk.
ORCRiST said:
Ace Flibble said:
Can't add anything to the guitar discussion, but re: absinthe: the proper stuff is still illegal in the USA. But in 2006 or '07 America lifted its outright ban and you can now buy various watered down, not-really-absinthe absinthe. I do hear it tastes quite disgusting. Being in the UK which has never banned it, I've developed quite a taste for (real) absinthe. A fair few songs have spawned from my drinking of it although I can tell you that it does not improve your guitar playing skills in the slightest :laughing7:

Black Dog said:
Does the full blown Absinthe taste like soap?  It could not taste any worse than what I had.  Plus, we poured it over the sugar cube using the Absinthe spoon like tradition dictates to help remove the bitterness. 
I had two small glasses, having to force down the second and could not take any more...  :(

I have two bottles of the 'real deal' I got when I was in England/Europa a few years ago. Neither bottle/taste I would consider "bitter" per sa.

The closest I could describe it to y'all (and I just take shots, no f-ing sugar cubes for me) - is: Jagermeister-flavored rubbing alchohol.

I haven't been able to bring myself to sit down and drink a bottle (or significant portion thereof) to feel/evaluate on its "illeagal" effects...
however, your tongue goes numb as soon as the first drop hits it.  :confused4:

One bottle is French, the other Czech:


Nice looking kitty, and all cats are Demons....
CNC time lapse is great, and I can definitely see how this would be a time consuming process. My and a buddy only recently finish a bottle of La Fee Absinth (it available in Aus quite easily, but is still a controlled import). In no way was it bitter. More of a strong licorice taste.