The kids at my school worked on a project, I hope you like it. Pass it around, let's see how many hits we can get on this.
That's me doing the filming/commentary
Thanks, man. The kids will be tickled pink if this gets a lot of hits. I'm not in the make money from YouTube program so it has nothing to do with that. I honestly want them to feel the joy of a lot of people appreciating what they accomplished. I've pasted this on every message board I belong to. hehe!! I hope others do the same.
Thanks for the comments, everyone. The entire jr. high and high school were involved in this. I think the official count is over 500 kids but that is the number they gave me yesterday.
The medium is obviously the coolest part, but who is the subject? Google ain't helping. Could be the spelling, but I figured it was an English to Japanese to English translation thing.
Wow, more than 6,000 hits in one day. The kids are going to be thrilled about this. I believe Francesco di Salesio began the Salesian faction of the Catholic church. I think you'll get more answers on Google if you search Francesco Di Sales....maybe.
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