
ChatGPT - neck wood choices - Young’s modulus - gigapascals, GPa


Hero Member
I've been having an off and on chat with ChatGPT about the science behind wood choices for necks - shaft and fret board -
and also chambered bodies and different lam tops - and how these different choices 'might' have an impact on
'perceived' tone.

I can't guarantee the accuracy of any of this information but it has been educational, to me - and has caused me to
think about wood choices with more clarity than I've had in the past.
Maybe you'll find this interesting - and also maybe you'll want to correct some of the information.

Shared ChatGPT links always link to the end of the discussion so you'll have to scroll back up to the beginning.

ChatGPT - Wood Choices

I can't guarantee the accuracy of any of this information

AI is always interesting to me, love it or hate it

And you asked it some interesting questions, but the problem with using Chat GPT to make an "informed" decision is that it doesn't "know" anything; it just gobbles up whatever garbage that it finds around the internet (along with some good/legitimate info/data) and then regurgitates it into a concise, authoritative sounding snippet.

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the problem with using Chat GPT to make an "informed" decision is that it doesn't "know" anything; it just gobbles up whatever garbage that it finds around the internet (along with some good/legitimate info/data) and then regurgitates it into a concise, authoritative sounding snippet.

:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
In my experience it has been a bit more selective than that - in that it attempts to weed out the garbage. Sometimes it's not as effective as it could be - when it comes to being accurate - but I suspect it is improving with time and continued training by it's 'human' team.
The "concise" part I totally appreciate. The "authoritative" part, in my opinion, is just caused by good language and composition skills caused by good training.