
Cavity shielding

Unless you want something that's otherwise unobtainable, why in the world would you mess with such a thing?

I guess I must be extra-ornery, cause I rarely want exactly what Warmoth provides... regular ornery is not wanting to limit yourself by Fender's designs, extra ornery is when you want a hardtail Mustang with an L500 & 6100's, a seven-string with a two-point whammy, a short-scale fretless 5 "tenor" bass (EADGC) etc. My Warmoth bits are usually off-warranty within a few hours of arriving, as will be my incoming Warhead 24.75" un-scalloped neck. heh heh....
Shielding helps a lot with guitar noise. It doesn't do a complete job, but it helps. Trust me, I've done it before. Combined with humbuckers and proper grounding, your guitar will be silent. With single coils, you'll need to wrap shielding tape around the coil and ground it.