
Carvin Guitars

ubershallman said:
Not everyone on this board talks out of their ass. Some people speak from experience.

Dude, that's why I said, "Mmmmm, potato chips!"  Empirical experience, all the way!

Now I have to go to the grocery store for lunch and get some...
MikeW said:
I live pretty close to the new Carvin showroom and have been over there a couple times to check out the new V3M. I've pulled down a DC300 and a Bolt to use while I was checking out the amp. Their guitars, as others have said, are really top notch stuff. Their wood selection is second only to Warmoth IMHO, and I was really impressed with the finish and the sound of the DC300. Definitely go for the Carvin if the W you're planning isn't going to be an every-day player.

What are your thoughts on the V3M? I've checked them out online and think I really want one but I'm on the wrong coast to visit the showroom.
Carvin is on my list of desirable guitars to own. I know guys will think why would a guy who owns a PRS want a Carvin? but it is a great guitar you order how you want. there are not a lot of companies that do that anymore, but Carvin excels at it. If you go to the main showroom it is front of a huge building that is there main plant, the amount of product they have to turn out to pay for that building must be huge.but some how in a day of homogenous blending and stereotypical non custom products, Carvin can offer a top quality guitar built off a order sheet on a one to one basis, and do it in a price range very few can meet. All that and be American Made.
Says something about the amount of profit some guys are getting for their stuff.