
CAN'T FIND THE TREAD...please help


Master Member
Looking for a thread of a TONAR finish.  I believe it was a bound Tele, flame (i think) with a TONAR burst.  Even the sides were bursted.  This is not the telebomb.  I have searched for over an hour...I am loosing my touch.
Thats the one!!!  The link to the build is in the post.  I thought that was in 2011.  Just did not go back far enough.

At least I got to see all of TONAR's other great builds

I really like how you soften up those necks. Thing's gorgeous enough to start with, but breaking all the edges just makes it look like it's edible or something.
Tonar..you really inspire me.  After I shoot a base of amber, I am considering masking both front and back for an amber masked binding.  How long should the nitro cure before applying tape?  I was thinking 48 hours
Thanks Dave, it has always been my desire to be a great resource for everyone on the board so I'm glad you like it.

You should be ok waiting 48 hours to tape over the lacquer but I think I would shoot one coat of clear over the amber before the tape to be safe. Another thing; once you get the tape on you will want to get your next step done quickly and get the tape back off the body as soon as possible. If you leave it on to long the stickum in the tape will get stronger and may leave a film. And lastly I always wipe the body down with Benzene after I remove the tape to clean any residue off before proceeding to the final clear coats.

Good luck with the masked binding and we really want to see progress pictures.
Tonar8353 said:
Thanks Dave, it has always been my desire to be a great resource for everyone on the board so I'm glad you like it.

You should be ok waiting 48 hours to tape over the lacquer but I think I would shoot one coat of clear over the amber before the tape to be safe. Another thing; once you get the tape on you will want to get your next step done quickly and get the tape back off the body as soon as possible. If you leave it on to long the stickum in the tape will get stronger and may leave a film. And lastly I always wipe the body down with Benzene after I remove the tape to clean any residue off before proceeding to the final clear coats.

Good luck with the masked binding and we really want to see progress pictures.

thanks.  good point.  I always wiped down with some naptha after removing tape.  Never know what is left behind and my eyes are not as good as they used to be.
Benzene is a little hard for regular consumers to come by these days, but Toluene is it's closest relative chemically speaking.  Naptha and Naphthalene are not the same.  It is one of those common naming versus chemical naming things that causes general confusion.  Naptha is white gas, Zippo lighter fluid, a different fraction of the oil refining process.  Naphthalene is two benzene rings sharing one side of the ring, and it is what used to be in moth balls to drive the lil' buggers away.  OK, enough chem nrrding out for the afternoon.

But, for all practical purposes, you can substitute Toluene for Benzene.
