
Canary Lam Top W. Burst?


Hero Member
Hi, guys . . . just wondering if anyone has pics of a guitar with a Canary top that has a BBY Burst/ BY Butst/ BRY Burst???? Just trying to imagine it . . . .
I've never seen any guitars with a brown blue yellow, blue yellow or a blue red yellow burst.
B3Guy said:
Hi, guys . . . just wondering if anyone has pics of a guitar with a Canary top that has a BBY Burst/ BY Butst/ BRY Burst???? Just trying to imagine it . . . .
Tubby.Twins has a canary topped gecko bass with a tobacco burst, but that's the closest I know of.
I am guessing yo're pulling my leg with the blue burst stuff. . . I was referring to BLACK as the first "B".
Paul-less said:
I don't get why BBY isn't more popular. I think it's sexy....

its so basic and traditional. people build warmoths to be unique and to stand out....most of the time
Max said:
B3Guy said:
Hi, guys . . . just wondering if anyone has pics of a guitar with a Canary top that has a BBY Burst/ BY Butst/ BRY Burst???? Just trying to imagine it . . . .
Tubby.Twins has a canary topped gecko bass with a tobacco burst, but that's the closest I know of.

It's actually a subtle brown burst, not tobacco.  I don't think it is offered as a standard option.  Here are the original showcase pics:


And here's what it looks like now:


B3Guy:  If I were you, I'd try not to cover up too much of the beautiful grain of the Canary top.  :)

no, I know. that's why I asked  :icon_thumright:

I'm a huge sucker for anything vintage-ish burst, and I like the look of Canary. But it's a sorta medium tone (as in color) wood. not very light colored, so I was just hoping to get a little bit of a feel for how some of the bursts looked on it.

I plan to get a canary-laminated alder strat body sometime next year, and I wanna go with a black burst of some sort. maybe Black-Brown-Clear?