
Calling All Players of Lefty Guitars!!!


Hero Member
Ok, so I looked around the forum, but I couldn't find any threads on this specific topic, so here comes my question:

For any LEFT HANDED players who learned to play on a RIGHT HANDED guitar and have now switched to LEFT HANDED guitar: Is it significantly easier for a lefty to play a lefty guitar even after learning on a righty guitar?

I play right handed right now, but I am a very left-handed person. If I am going to spend thousands of dollars on a custom guitar, should I stick with right-handed, or make the switch to a left-handed model?
:rock-on: :headbang: (just thought I ought to include those left-handed smileys  :laughing7:
Well, you chose the wrong forum, here he still have the old (medieval) beliefs that lefty hands are wizards and therefore we throw then in the bonfire :laughing7:

Can't understand, if you can play a guitar right (and righteous) hand, why go to left hand, that will be harder to find guitars, etc...
LEFTIESSSSS......ASSEMBLE!!! <blows horn>

My guess is, if you've already learned how to play on a right-handed guitar, that it won't really be easier at all on a lefty.  no matter what, you need both hands to do complicated things, and i don't think it's inherently easier to strum with your dominant hand or vice versa.

I think that there is an initial awkward period of time for anyone who first starts playing a guitar, and then it starts to make sense & feel natural. This would be true of a lefty playing a righty, a lefty playing a lefty, and even (God forbid) a right-handed person learning on a lefty. 

Now that you've (i'm assuming) gotten over that hump playing right-handed, save yourself a lifetime of agony in:
1)never being able to find left-handed versions of your favorite guitars
2)paying upcharges for the crappy lefty guitars that do exist
3)having to choose from a robust color pallet of black, white, or 3-tone sunburst for those crappy lefties

this is my nightmare.  it doesn't have to be yours...
jalane said:
1)never being able to find left-handed versions of your favorite guitars
2)paying upcharges for the crappy lefty guitars that do exist
3)having to choose from a robust color pallet of black, white, or 3-tone sunburst for those crappy lefties

this is my nightmare.  it doesn't have to be yours...

Dear Schecter, not EVERY single guitar needs to be Red-cherry-crimson-blood moon. AUGH.
"no matter what, you need both hands to do complicated things, and i don't think it's inherently easier to strum with your dominant hand or vice versa."

That's kinda what I figured, but I just thought I'd check. Thanks.
Man, this sounds like the popular quote "Why do it the easy way if I can do it on a harder way?" :tard: :doh:
Speaking as a lefty, or "sinister-handed one":

Dude, don't be a traitor to our race.  Us lefties have it bad enough to suffer turncoats in our midst.

BTW, the Hammond B3 rawks.  :icon_thumright:
Superlizard said:
BTW, the Hammond B3 rawks.   :icon_thumright:

I'm going to just slip this video in here for absolutely no reason. :blob7: :blob7:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdJeCjIwGFk :headbang1:

He yaps his trap for about a minute, but then they get down to business and blaze shoot up.
B3Guy said:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdJeCjIwGFk :headbang1:

He yaps his trap for about a minute, but then they get down to business and blaze shoot up.

That guy really needs to STFU when music is being played, but wow! Those guys are awesome.
I think I've seen this video a few years ago.
Ya . . . he's the David Letterman guy, and he is REALLY annoying, but he managed to get together three of the pros, so you gotta give him a little credit. I like this vid, because it's so hard to catch Joey D. playing anything but jazz.