
Cabinet business


Epic Member
Folks, I'm got half a mind to go into the cabinet business.  Not kitchen, but speaker.

My thoughts are along the line of total custom order - no stock models.  Build all to the customers spec, within the capability of what can be done of course, and either load speakers, or not, as is required.

Any thoughts or comments on this?

I'm not soliciting business, just thoughts on if this might fly as a way to meet a need in the marketplace, make some money and provide an avenue for creative juices.
I might be your first customer if you decide to start up. I keep putting off buying an amp because nothing I've found has been, "just right."
If I send you some drawings, can you whip up some head boxes for me?  I'm not trusting weber to do the job right at the moment...

So I guess my comment is:  you got my business even if you're not asking for it.  Just wear those goggles while cutting will ya...
I soooooo need a cab built for my poor Bassman head.  I mean a dog chewed on it.  You have any green tolex and cane grill cloth?  And what are we talking here price-wise?  Seriously, though....I'm not a rich man, but I would rather give my money to you than some schmoe who may or may not know what they are doing.  I have seen your level of meticulous attention to detail.  I can't say that about a whole lot of other cab builders.
some stock models might be a good idea to point customers in the right directions if they don't know everything about the cab that they want built. I like doug's soulmate website, where he basically shows a few hot items that can be done but says that plenty of other things that he hasn't thought of can be available
One usually takes on something of this nature as a "labor of love".  It would have to be.  The economic climate is suspect.  With everybody and their dog getting into custom heads, guitars, etc. - I believe you would find it not much different with cabinets.  Competition would be keen.  Guitar cabs only?  Bass or keyboard cabs?  Head cases?  It's intriguing, BUT...you'd have your work cut out for you (no pun).  I would be the last to poo-poo anyone trying to venture out and fill a perceived need - personally and commercially.  A LOT of commitment to customer needs and service, understanding of all aspects of business, and a burning desire to make your mark in the world would be highly commendable.  IF you move forward on such an endeavor - *I* wish you the best of fortune!  

Sooooooo......what kinda deal you going to cut me   :laughing7:
Sounds like a good idea to me, I'd like a exotic wood cab for my Blue VooDoo.... :icon_biggrin:

I'm going to need at least one cab this year, and you'd have my business as long as the prices were within reason, as I'm sure they would be. I've been thinking of putting my Champ head into a 112 combo cab and can't think of anyone better for the job than you.  :icon_thumright:
I think you'd want to be ready for heads and combos, as well. It's a tough time to start a business and there are already competitors out there - sourmash, miyako, that do full custom work.
Maybe you should take some orders from us, photograph the process and product, and use those pics on a website. Start out gradually.  :occasion14:
I know this might fly in the face of what you are suggesting, but maybe you could offer a flat pak kit option too?

The cost of freight of an assembled box (it dimensions only let alone the weight) could make it less attractive to some of us who live a fair distance from you.

If you could manufacture the pieces, then leave the final assembly to the customer and the covering of Tolex or some other fabric to our discretion, maybe you could offer the flat pak kit ( with instructions) & be unique perhaps? :icon_scratch:

With the instructions you could specify the type of glue to use & how, where to glue or maybe engineer a bolt/screw system to utilise and allow your customer to do the final assembly.

You could stain or paint the wood for us (an upcharge option?).
OzziePete said:
I know this might fly in the face of what you are suggesting, but maybe you could offer a flat pak kit option too?

The cost of freight of an assembled box (it dimensions only let alone the weight) could make it less attractive to some of us who live a fair distance from you.

If you could manufacture the pieces, then leave the final assembly to the customer and the covering of Tolex or some other fabric to our discretion, maybe you could offer the flat pak kit ( with instructions) & be unique perhaps? :icon_scratch:

With the instructions you could specify the type of glue to use & how, where to glue or maybe engineer a bolt/screw system to utilise and allow your customer to do the final assembly.

You could stain or paint the wood for us (an upcharge option?).

That, is a brilliant idea. +2
OzziePete said:
I know this might fly in the face of what you are suggesting, but maybe you could offer a flat pak kit option too?

The cost of freight of an assembled box (it dimensions only let alone the weight) could make it less attractive to some of us who live a fair distance from you.

If you could manufacture the pieces, then leave the final assembly to the customer and the covering of Tolex or some other fabric to our discretion, maybe you could offer the flat pak kit ( with instructions) & be unique perhaps? :icon_scratch:

With the instructions you could specify the type of glue to use & how, where to glue or maybe engineer a bolt/screw system to utilise and allow your customer to do the final assembly.

You could stain or paint the wood for us (an upcharge option?).

The Ikea Amp!!  :icon_biggrin:
Go for it! Get some nice exotic woods to do some, you may be able to sell it nicely if you don't ask a lot for it...
Best of luck =CB=.  I am a borderline pessimist that likes to think I'm a realist.  All I would do is think of reasons why this wouldn't be a good idea.  I do not have the small business entrepreneurial mindset.  If this were to work, I'd play it safe.  Don't put all of your eggs in this basket just yet.  If there is another source of stable income, let the cabinet business be the side job so you can test the waters.  With all of the boutique amps out there, there is certainly a market for it.  Gimmicks are what sell things, like colored tolex that matches an Egnater or Orange.  Great idea offering empty and filled cabinets.  Closed and opened back would be good options too.  Anyone ever seen a vertical 3x12 or 3x10 cab.  How about a 2x10 and 1x12 in the same cabinet?  Or a 2x12, one open back, one closed back?  Someone would buy all of those.
No exotics at first, just well made, nicely covered, based on traditional, or non traditional designs, with or without T&S porting.
Marko said:
OzziePete said:
I know this might fly in the face of what you are suggesting, but maybe you could offer a flat pak kit option too?

The cost of freight of an assembled box (it dimensions only let alone the weight) could make it less attractive to some of us who live a fair distance from you.

If you could manufacture the pieces, then leave the final assembly to the customer and the covering of Tolex or some other fabric to our discretion, maybe you could offer the flat pak kit ( with instructions) & be unique perhaps? :icon_scratch:

With the instructions you could specify the type of glue to use & how, where to glue or maybe engineer a bolt/screw system to utilise and allow your customer to do the final assembly.

You could stain or paint the wood for us (an upcharge option?).

The Ikea Amp!!  :icon_biggrin:

NO Allen keys please!!! :icon_biggrin: Would appeal to the bachelors amongst us tho............ we'd be very used to assembling using instructions in Euro-English with abstract diagrams as a guide... :laughing8: (Maybe =CB= could write the instructions after a  few drambuies to make the vaguessness of the details authentic!)
Nada.  No kits.  Kits imply customer service after the sale.  Since the cabinets will be sized to the spec of the customer, each will be a one-off.  That makes kitting things hard.  So, sorry you DIY'ers, the thought of kits is very distant in my mind.  Like edge of the universe distant.

Hey, I know the unW crowd, me included, like to assemble things.  Its in our gene structure.  But even W has a range of what they produce, all based on known locations and fixed size of neck pocket in relation to everything else via CNC.  If I ever do this, its not going to be CNC, its gonna be Bosch table saw and Porter Cable routers.
I'd root for things like bed liner sprayed or car under carriage paint for the exterior.  Also, I have been trying to find a 4 X 12 cabinet that would be more of an extra large volume cabinet with better bass response/darker sounding.  I want to try to mix some different styles of speakers for an amp that is rather bright through a Marshall cab.  Most of this is for a high gain amp, but having a dark cabinet and a bright cabinet would cover most needs I can think of.  I am interested in this idea because the thought of paying $800 to $1100 for the big brand cabinets is nauseating.  It would be fun to kick around some ideas.
