wasnt interested in convincing anyone of my opinion or choices, just thought I would add my own and offer up links to places to buy cheaper Bumble Bee alternatives.
that being said, I choose to go with my old school thinking and build my guitars the way it makes "me" feel best, and for my taste, knowing that I did everything I could to make the best custom guitar I can, as thats why I build my own.
I realise some people dont have the money or opportunity to buy certain high end parts and there are plenty of alternatives out there and Im sure they're guitar will sound just fine, maybe even better than some of my more expensive custom options but "too me" that can only happen if the many parts alot of guys claim make no difference in tone, Do in fact matter, wether they were bought cheap or expensive.
for what its worth Im using $20 jensens on my current build with Bare Knuckle pickups and 550K pots also bought at a little higher price, much cheaper than the Bumble Bee Caps at $112 bucks for a set of 2 that I came across.
No offense if your opinion is different than mine, Old School and VooDoo tone thinking can get a little out there, but I will take the MoJo Magic route any day I can afford the option, even if it only amounts to a psychological advantage for myself.
P.S. I think Alder, Mahogany, Korina, Ash all sound differently in body woods, as well as, Maple, Rosewood and Ebony sound differently in neck woods and SS frets sound brighter than traditional alloy frets and Warmoth Pro trussrods sound less traditional than traditional truss rods, and A2,A3,A4 and A5 magnets sound very different in pickups etc. etc.
Oh and some caps are better than other caps.....but thats just my way of thinking.
theres your way, my way, and the truth, and its all the truth......to me, when it comes to these types of debates.