
Brain May body design

can anyone photoshop shaving the lower horn on an LPS to be more like the May?
hey dmraco,

I think this design would be best acomplished from a body blank.


better bet might be guitarplansunlimited.com. they can make you a custom guitar plan for the project. tell them you need a red special body with a fender style neck pocket (25.5 scale) and whatever bridge you need that warmoth will rout for. Then have Warmoth make you a routed body blank. this is how I did my Warmoth guitar.

here is some creative editing of an LPS.  Obviouslt the headsotck is not correct...but the body is close.


the more i look at the pics in this thread the more i think i might go with the V headstock on my SG bass
I used to like the trisonics, but now, I feel they sound a bit too bland. I Do like Brian May's tone. man, its just pure balls, with a LOT of hair on its s...k Really, can't get enough of his riffing. but its not a pickup for me.

Its true by the way that he wound his own set at first. Was a neat sounding pickup, but he used, as he once said, the wrong shape of magnets. each polepiece was a horseshoe magnet, and thus the tone would 'choke' whenever he'd bend, so, it was useless, but the general design worked very well.