+3. I am developing a clutch of "special needs" kind of things, I'll be building two Jags and they have odd control requests. I'll do them myself - no choice - but in looking at how a CNC machine works, it surely seems possible to write a routing program that:
A) thins the wood and cuts the slit
B) Does it in any direction or location specified.
Ol' #1 here ended up being both front and rear-routed largely because I wasn't sure how many blade switches I'd end up using, and swamp ash in particular seems like you'd almost have to use high-speed machine tools to cut the slit in the thinned-out wood.
My next one's going to be sort of modular, the pickups and electronics on separate plates so I can change things easily, but it would be nice to know that Warmoth could put two (or more!) blade switches on one instrument. It's not uncommon, the PRS 513 uses it and a lot more people could use it if it was easy. Maybe I just don't understand CNC machines well.
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