Superlizard "T" said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom Uber-Dangerous said:
DangerousR6 said:
Even if he is, and it happens quite often, never say it.
I have to agree with this, because:
a) talking out of your ass
b) acting like you're experienced in a given subject - when you're not
c) you're trying to elicit BB brownie points to be one of the "BMOCs" (BMOBBs?)
-leads to
d) spreading misinformation due to a) & b)
e) covering your ass by not admitting you're full of it when caught by someone more experienced
is a much better alternative to aid in the progression of knowledge... in any subject. :icon_thumright:
Look, in respect to Gibbons, you are probably right about his misinformation mischievousness, he has done this in the past no doubt about it. Anyone who has read guitar magazines long enough, and had a decent memory, would detected some misinformation......But the tech was genuinely showing some serious gear, and I can't for the life of me think that Gibbons would be such a douche bag as to allow his tech to do the interview, and show the gear off, all for some elaborate hoax. I mean a joke is a joke, but to go
that far would be outright mean and nasty. For all the $$ spent getting that gear together and having his tech take the time to 'learn the script' - so to speak, that would be better spent simply saying 'no interview'. It ain't reasonable. Mind you, if you cornered Billy somewhere and pushed him for an answer to his rig, he'd probably waffle off some BS to you just to get away. Behind the scenes that interview could have taken ages to organise, going thru ZZ TOP Inc. and the management people before Billy even heard about the request.
As Gibbons does do some music press work occasionally with columns etc. he'd be pretty stupid to deceive them like that after the efforts made to get backstage and see his gear. And having seen some footage of 'doorstop' type interviews with him outside of the music scene he does come across as a good guy who is prepared to say hello, rather than someone who is begrudging of the intrusions that public life brings and paranoid about people finding out his 'secret sound' (which is mostly with his touch anyways). That's not to say he likes to make a joke occasionally, and I'm sure in past interviews when the interviewer was getting upon his nerve a bit, by too much of a fan-stalker than a journo asking questions, or someone who he simply did not like, he would have spun some yarn about 'unobtainium' and 'super flex capacitors' etc. with a smirk on his face to see if they went over their notes or went straight to press without checking facts.
I have no way of finding out if that rig is what Gibbons uses, but coming from his tech I'd tend to think it was his gear......Why waste your employee's time deceiving everyone?
At some stage you have to take the info for what it is. If you happen to have some of this gear, maybe dial up some settings and see what you get?
I'd also say, since you raised the thinly veiled sledge about fellow forumites taking the bait and then refusing to let go, it can also be annoying when someone consistently trashes anyone else's Threads and posts replies with an arrogant and superior attitude. I doubt quite seriously, that no one here really knows the answer to Gibbons' current rig, tho Jack saw ZZ TOP in bars way back when and has hinted it is in the touch of the player more so than others. That doubt also alludes to your assertions that this vid is BS, how the hell would you know that is the case?