
Best Practise for Humbucker Mounting directly to wood


Junior Member

just curious what is your best practise for mounting humbuckers to wood? I normally destroy the winding and widen it so far that a wood screw fit loosly through it. then i polster the space between pickup and wood with some elastic foam.
alltough it is a barbaric solution, it works fine so far but i am destroying the pickup for a potential use with a frame and cannot sell it in the aftermarket.

are there any viable other solutions to this? i was hoping to find a wood screw with an inner nut that fit the sd or dimarzio screws or any other clever adapter solution but i didnt find anything. any ideas?

I think the only viable way to use screws that fit the original hb baseplate threads would be putting threaded inserts in the hb cavity and screw the original hb screws in the inserts. Using wood screws directly into the wood, which is what i do too btw, i wouldn't trust screws so small to pass through the baseplate original holes without widening them and destroying the threads.
Threaded inserts as mentioned.

Some use the baseplate of a humbucker to screw to the body and in turn to mount to and a pricier option similar to this is FU-Tones PMS mounting.


Or not wood mounting and using pickup rings.
great ideas, thanks for the input. especially the hb baseplate idea is really easy to realize. i will look for parts. :icon_smile:
I can't say that it's best practice. However, here's how I undertook it.

I carved a thin suitable plate that fit the cavity. Because I had no desire to ever sell, I then drilled up the mounting holes to #6 clearance, secured the pickup to that, and adjusted rear shims behind the plate to get a height I liked. Glued shims lightly, so they're easy to remove later if I want and finally attached plate down through to the body.
WHOA seeing price of that unfortunately named PMS apparatus just scared the ghost off my bones. i just drill out the little holes in the baseplate and use a hardware store wood screw and stuff a buncha foam up under the pup. its actually pretty simple and doesnt cost $50USD per hum
I widen the baseplate hole and then mount the pickup on a set of the springs that are used for mounting single coils to a pick guard.
Same as others here. I bought the Tele wood-mount screws from StewMac, drilled out the screw holes in the pickup base plate (thus ruining the threads), and fed the screws through. The rubber tubing acts as the "spring".
This might help:

I like what ibamez did on my rg921.

Small diameter wood screws (easily found at a GOOD hardware store.
They use 2 coil width sized pieces of foam with 2 holes in each for short fat springs.

I have also used pickup box foam thick enough to have some good compression to keep the pickups stable
Does anyone know off-hand what the Warmoth routing depth is for "direct mount"?? Just wondering how long of screws it would be possible to use ( thinking about the captive fastener/machine screw method...)
I drilled out the threaded holes for screws to pass through, and used foam rubber under the pickups. Just triple-check screw lengths, because you won't be happy if you see the ends of the screws sticking out the back of your guitar!
FYI, I found small wood screws of different lengths that fit in the mounting holes.

I predrilled the holes in the body to be the size of the screw shafts. I also cut the lengths so they don't go thru the back of the guitar