Tempest said:I'm digging the sound of the Lovepedal Eternity
Cagey said:The way I look at it, if you feel like you need an overdrive pedal, what you're really saying is you need but can't/won't pony up for a new/different amp. Overdrive pedals are band-aids, and they're always obvious no matter how close they try to match skin tones.
That said, I must also say I can sympathize. Been there, done that. So, as long as you have a tube amp, the thing to have is simply a power booster. You wanna bang on your inputs harder, not change your tone. If your tone is wrong, it may be your playing or your guitar, and of course it can't be either one of those things <grin> So, check out Electro-Harmonix's LPB-1, or similar devices. All they do is jack up your signal so your amp screams in pain. Little or no modification to the tone. But, be aware that they don't generally work well with solid state amps. For those you need a cheese box, of which there are many, none of which sound good.
Good luck!
Superlizard said:My tone "secret" is running a fairly clean vintage-circuit t00b amp with a variety of OD/Dist's for different tones.
Death by Uberschall said:Superlizard said:My tone "secret" is running a fairly clean vintage-circuit t00b amp with a variety of OD/Dist's for different tones.
We know you have a Zoom pedal running into a Crate s/s amp. You can't fool us. :laughing7:
:laughing7:Superlizard said:Death by Uberschall said:Superlizard said:My tone "secret" is running a fairly clean vintage-circuit t00b amp with a variety of OD/Dist's for different tones.
We know you have a Zoom pedal running into a Crate s/s amp. You can't fool us. :laughing7:
Hah! I used to do something similar - BOSS Heavy Metal into a Crate SS amp. But that was...
over 20 years ago? :icon_scratch:
Superlizard said:Death by Uberschall said:Superlizard said:My tone "secret" is running a fairly clean vintage-circuit t00b amp with a variety of OD/Dist's for different tones.
We know you have a Zoom pedal running into a Crate s/s amp. You can't fool us. :laughing7:
Hah! I used to do something similar - BOSS Heavy Metal into a Crate SS amp. But that was...
over 20 years ago? :icon_scratch:
ErogenousJones said:Teh br00talz! :headbang1:
pabloman said:How is it transparent if it sounds like a Dumble? Do you mean just the power amp side of the Dumble? Anyway the guy is lookin for an OD pedal. It really depends on your guitars and everything else. I have heard the Dunlop Zakk pedal sound absolutely amazing through a BJ :laughing7: with a strat. pretty cheap too. But it really depends on the sound you are after.
pabloman said:How is it transparent if it sounds like a Dumble? Do you mean just the power amp side of the Dumble? Anyway the guy is lookin for an OD pedal.
Death by Uberschall said:We know you have a Zoom pedal running into a Crate s/s amp. You can't fool us. :laughing7:
Death by Uberschall said:Superlizard said:My tone "secret" is running a fairly clean vintage-circuit t00b amp with a variety of OD/Dist's for different tones.
We know you have a Zoom pedal running into a Crate s/s amp. You can't fool us. :laughing7: