So it looks like I'm joining the 'low and slow' gang here, I'll be playing bass in a new band. I'm excited because bandmates seem like good people, rehearsal studio is a short walk from the house, and the singer (she) has a great set of pipes. I am curious about peoples' bass effects. My Boss ME-70 (guitar multi unit, not bass) has a compressor, volume pedal, delay and EQ that I'm happy with, and a looper that's not quite ready for prime time. So far we're just learning to play some classic rock and indie-type stuff together, and the originals the singer has tend to be more mellow stuff. Nothing heavy or real experimental. I've got a PJ passive bass and I tend to stick to the P on it or use both together.
You think I am missing out on effects by just going that route? Any bass effects you think I should check out? Anybody really get into looping pedals and do cool stuff with them?
You think I am missing out on effects by just going that route? Any bass effects you think I should check out? Anybody really get into looping pedals and do cool stuff with them?