The WPro neck uses a different truss rod, weights slightly more because of that... the truss rod is a little stiffer too. But... its so minor... changing from one brand of strings to another will have more impact.
CB and I are just going to have to disagree on this. I
personally prefer a rigid, heavier truss rod myself, but a lot of the hardcore vintage types feel that the "springiness" of a lighter & single-rod neck is part of the classic Fender tone. I guess the idea is, you got strings floating on springs on one end in the whammy bar, and a neck that flaps all around, it sounds "livelier?" Since I don't give a rat's ass about "vintage", rather, I want to sound
good, well... remember the Ventures? "Vintage" tone. Theme from "Green Acres?" Big Brother & the Holding Company? Now
there's some "vintage tone" for you-> :icon_tongue:
Here is what USA Custom Guitars say about their neck, they're using it's non-Warmothiness as a
selling point:
All of our necks are crafted with hand selected, time tested tonewoods and feature a vintage style one way truss rod for classic tone and lighter weight.
Here is what Warmoth says about their own single-rod "Vintage Modern" neck:
In replacement situations, these necks will preserve the tone of your instrument while incorporating modern features and conveniences.
Have you seen guys grab the peghead of their guitar and wiggle it around, to imitate a whammy bar? Or even just SHAKE their guitar? When you do that to a Warmoth double-rodded neck,
nothing happens. Again, I personally like that, but the hardcore vintagers, boy they're something.... :binkybaby: That DeTemple guy is charging $6000 for a friggin' Strat copy, too bad I'm so poor I can't afford the best.... :toothy12: :toothy12: :toothy12:
I don't know if he can build a guitar, or not, but he sure is great at marketing hype:
They have a longer, deeper body contour than traditional shaping for increased player comfort, tone and resonance.
Oh yes - lengthening my own contours always helps my resonance, too. Except, when removing "valuable tonewood"
doesn't.... :blob7: