
Balancing a "V"


I've grown to like the looks of the "V" shaped guitars but I notice that the center of gravity is somewhere out on the neck.  This feels like the neck is always pushi
ng down on my fretting hand and creates a "drag."  Any suggestions on balancing the guitar?
Lightweight neck woods are a possibility. As well as trying a very heavy body wood. Or try filling the trem cavity with sand
Maybe I misunderstood; if you haven't built the guitar yet you can either pick out one of the heavier bodies in the Showcase, or if you are going to do a custom order spec that you'd like the body built from a heavier piece of korina or whatever wood you're thinking about.

A combo of a heavier piece of korina for the body and a lighter piece of white korina or mahogany for the neck should avoid any balancing issues.

What were you thinking about ordering for wood?
I've already built the guitar.  Neck is maple/ebony and body is alder.  I think I'll have to experiment with putting weight on the end of the guitar or strap.  Thanks for the advice.
aluttrelldds said:
I've already built the guitar.  Neck is maple/ebony and body is alder.  I think I'll have to experiment with putting weight on the end of the guitar or strap.  Thanks for the advice.

Hey! Pick a Mahogany body! Will give you more bass and will weight more, so you gonna have the more balanced guitar...
Get a small block of lead or similar metal and stick it to the inside of the control cavity. I don't like that neck heavy feel either and am always wary of "lightweight" bodys in the showcase. Sometimes its too much of a good thing, I like to know a guitar is there if you know what I mean.
Take a tip from the trapshooters, and wear a slightly elevated shoe on your left foot.  It'll balance.
-CB- said:
Take a tip from the trapshooters, and wear a slightly elevated shoe on your left foot.  It'll balance.

ROFL... a weekly Warmoth chat on an IM or other voice capable client would be entertaining to say the least.

Put the other strap button directly in the center of the "V", that'll shift the axis point farther towards the center, allowing the weight in the "V" area to offset the weight of the neck & headstock.

dont use LEAD IN THE CAVATIES lead actually atracts rf waves and acts a magnet to outside frequencies, not that a properly shielded cavity would work, but just the concept

balacing a v has little to do with the wheight

i have a perfectly balanced guitar...from the center pickups....about the center of the guitar where the front strop button is....from there u can almost hold the guitar with three fingers and it stays balanced...i mean very very balanced of the wheight of the neck and body, well the neck was about almost 40 percent heavier than the body when i got it


its more or less where you put ur buttons.....it the strap buttons arent [positioned right, no matter how the guitar is setup with wheight

even after i did mine, i felt the neck was too heavy but my rear buttom was ass mounted at almost he end of the v

you dont just take a jackson v model type guitar...build a warmoth and drill the button holes in teh same place

infact the boddies are very differnt too

one solution is
to get inner heel bushing and dont use a neck plate...but use a short screw with a predrilled hole in the center of the neck butt on the back of the body, tis will increse a shift in about a pound or two in one direction.....it will lay the neck up and drop the bod down

this should only be done if you are experience, becaue u do not want the neck angle to shift, also it should be done with the neck unmounted with no pretrusions into the neck cavity at all, or wood buckling

but dont use lead or sand or something dumb, in most cases just use painters tape and a guitar strap and tape the positions and move em around...just the basic shape of the v doesnt make it easy to balance, but like mine, i have a ibanez vip type, and ive held a carved top warmoth, and a regular lp shaped warmoth, typicaly withint the same wood range, the boddies are very close to wheight

a alder vip, or soloist is the same as a alder v-2....the king v is alot heavier!!!!....but just imagine the surface area....and where the buttons go, its just about placement really
1. Type slower.
2. A lead weight is not going to pick up radio.
3. Check your spelling.
I dont know how rudolf schenker/gibson does it... I think just use a VERY heavy body, and a VERY light neck. so, unfortunatelly, you have to stay away from the exotics, because they are too heavy. mahogany is nice and light. maple is too heavy to.
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
Put the other strap button directly in the center of the "V", that'll shift the axis point farther towards the center, allowing the weight in the "V" area to offset the weight of the neck & headstock.
that's right the big problem isn't weight really but with the strap conected at a point so far back the front end holds all the weight and puts it directly on your left shoulder. moving the rear button in to a point on the back side of the guitar or the inside of the rear cutaway shifts the balence point and helps the strap wrap around and conform to your back distributing the load an giving some more grip so it doesn't slide. i also like moving the other button to the back of the neck joint, just get one longer screw and you might need to drill the button slightly. do this and you get a vee that stays put and the strap wont fall off. :icon_thumright:
confederatewk said:
yeah, i dont check the spelling, but i should get into the habbit, i assure you in not dumb or anything

probably I'm smarter than 95% of people you ever met, but I'm not north american nor english, like some guys here and we can have some difficult to understand something, if wrong/dirty text is made...

Orpheo said:
mahogany is nice and light. maple is too heavy to.
Sorry dude, I've do desagree with you, mahogany is very soft, but is quite dense... I've a neck thru body les paul and it should weight twice of a strat  :icon_biggrin: