
Bad guitar


Hero Member
I've haven't been here long, so i haven't seen any bad guitars, but i would like to know, you guys seen any hela ugly guitars around here?There is not one guitar here i find nice, tasty, freakin' awesome or just god. (Cept the acoustic borrowed by girlfriend thread and the pearl strat :laughing7:.)
If you find a bad guitar here, I'll almost guarantee it'll be hanging off the back of a fleaBay link...

We just don't do 'em
I've seen some guitars here that I find to be quite tacky and ridiculous. Other's that look like my granny's coffee table...  but other people love them so it's all just taste. The guitars aren't bad, but they don't all appeal to me.

btw try a search for BUTCH ;)
GoDrex said:
I've seen some guitars here that I find to be quite tacky and ridiculous. Other's that look like my granny's coffee table...  but other people love them so it's all just taste. The guitars aren't bad, but they don't all appeal to me.

btw try a search for BUTCH ;)

Never a truer word spoken.
I have to agree, most of the guitars on this board are really good, maybe not all my taste...

There are some in the official warmoth gallary that I just don't like.. including strats and teles with weird diy pickguards, strats with TOM&stop, and some weirdo's in the misc section.

oh and I am sure that the red/gold strat I built for a friend of mine is way too tacky and pimp-y for some people's tastes here..:)
it was made to his taste, and although I wasn't too crazy about the concept, i still grew to love it anyway..maybe because it cost me so much time, and so many coats of stain and tru oil :)

see how only one person really responded to it when I posted it here? ;)


Marko said:
see how only one person really responded to it when I posted it here? ;)

Actually, I like it a lot!  I don't think it looks pimped.

aww thanks y'all  :icon_thumright: but where the feck where you when I first posted it!  :laughing7:

Doc, your's doesn't have the abelone knobs and has the coolest kind of burst ever.. so it doesn't qualify for the pimpy award...;)
Marko said:
aww thanks y'all  :icon_thumright: but where the feck where you when I first posted it!  :laughing7:

that was posted before I arrived here...
Marko said:
aww thanks y'all  :icon_thumright: but where the feck where you when I first posted it!  :laughing7:

Doc, your's doesn't have the abelone knobs and has the coolest kind of burst ever.. so it doesn't qualify for the pimpy award...;)

I dunno-- The gold/purple/black comes pretty close.  All it needs is some PimpStar wheels and a Cadillac emblem.  :toothy12:

Wana_make_a_guitar said:
I've haven't been here long, so i haven't seen any bad guitars, but i would like to know, you guys seen any hela ugly guitars around here?There is not one guitar here i find nice, tasty, freakin' awesome or just god. (Cept the acoustic borrowed by girlfriend thread and the pearl strat :laughing7:.)

ConfederateWK's was just OK... a V2 with a hardtail just seems ill-conceived.