
Axl guitars


Master Member
What can someone tell me about AXL....I was checking this out....

I think its a cool concept..
I tried some though (a local pawnshop/musicstore  has the full line) and they really feel kinda wonky..
probably not bad for the money though, after a set up and fret job.
DMRACO said:
What can someone tell me about AXL....I was checking this out....

They are sold on ebay by Roger and Al's Musicians Heaven..... :icon_biggrin:

cool looking guitar tho.... :dontknow:
have you work with him?...it is 325...with a place the bid offer.  I hate these things because I do not want to come off as a jerk low-balling....

There is also another finish I am liking a little more...
DMRACO said:
have you work with him?...it is 325...with a place the bid offer.  I hate these things because I do not want to come off as a jerk low-balling....

There is also another finish I am liking a little more...
I was being sarcastic...... :icon_biggrin:
My friend had one that looked really nice, but the off brand floyd had several pieces break off and the high e string slipped off the neck. I'm haven't been a huge fan of them since, but then again that was the only one I've ever seen.
thanks...but getting into trus rod and neck repair is not what I am looking for.  May get expensive...
DMRACO said:
What can someone tell me about AXL....I was checking this out....

I had an interest in them Pre-Warmoth.  New, they are around $300, yet I saw a used one in a pawnshop for $299.  Maybe they figures $200 to haggle, go figure.  I think they are Chinese, so take that for what it's worth.  It doesn't automatically make it crap, but it's not a good starting off point.