
AxeFX Demo - One of the best I've seen yet.

Death by Uberschall

Master Member
Thought I would share this. This guy has one of the best vids I've seen showing the versatility of the AxeFX.
He's a great player also.  :icon_thumright:


This second video is really good also.
Loved that Led Zeppelin run he did at the end there.

Looks like a nifty device, but if I'd have it I'd probably spend more time trying to work it out then playing.
That is an excellent demo, it caused me to go back and re-audtion a couple patches. He definately tweaked them.
as far as spending time, yes, big learning curve with it (mine has been months), but once you get through it, its not bad. I am loving my Ultra  :headbang:

I liked the first one, excellent showcase. The second - meh. The "tone" he used for the first solo is exactly the "tone" I hate.
cool...the 1st guy nailed all the tones...EXCEPT the LED ZEP.  his playing was great for everything.

The second...well...I am always a sucker for some Shine on you Crazy Diamond.
I greatly appreciated the first guy's efforts in doing all sorts of different well known tunes so we could hear both clean and some distorted settings on the device, and compare to what we know the tunes to sound like.

I don't hink he got the Whole Lotta Love tone down pat, and the Little Wing tone was thin (or was he playing the starting bit that sounds thin?), and I can recall the Beatles medley was a little light on the midrange -treble spank I remember on those tunes, but my goodness, couldn't he play!  :o

Death by Uberschall said:
Great tones here.  :icon_thumright:

The AxeFX impresses, but his settings, well... to me they sound awful to be honest. Waaay too finely grained distortion, I want to feel the sound rasping in my chest! To to each their own of course.
ok - the first vid is great until he gets to the Stones and then something seems off to me. All of the rock tones after that seem weird to me. The Zep ones are impossible to duplicate because Page has a different tone on every track.

I've seen the guy that plays the LP copy before - watched a bunch of his vids. I like the sound he gets but if he backed off the gain some he would sound better, IMO.

haven't watched the 2nd guy yet.
GoDrex said:
The Zep ones are impossible to duplicate because Page has a different tone on every track.

does sould good...are all those pre-sets or does it have to be programed.

concerning the Zep...it is way off...PAGE is a tonal genius...OR JUST REALLY STONED when he records.  I just spent a small fortune on an ORANGE amp to help generate the various degrees of Page tone.  GAS to the max!!!!
Death by Uberschall said:
Great tones here.  :icon_thumright:


Way better than the second clip, DBU. He's pretty good.
Here's his Panama on AxeFX

Parts II and III of the first post.

Sounds are good, in some cases really close, but the guy can play!!  :headbang:


My first serious necropost, but I thought this was a cool showcase some other things the AxeFx can do.


Immense musical talent and comfy shoes not included...
I don't appreciate Mr. Belew as much as I'm sure he'd like me to, but he has his uses. In any event, I'm in serious lust after an Axe Fx the minute I've got the money. I've read and heard far too much to go without one before I start pushing up daisies. Many effects boxes and amplifiers get a lot of positive press at their debut, but these things are unique in that nobody has a bad thing to say about them to this day, and are universal in their praise. Even on the fanatic forums, when they get into a slugfest about amps, it's always "[Everybody] sucks... except the Axe FX". I mean, even the untouchable icons like Fender and Marshall have their detractors, but the Axe FX? No. Guys sell piles of vintage, boutique and specialty amps after buying one of these things. It's like they're magic. So, yeah. Me. Soon.
Cagey said:
I don't appreciate Mr. Belew as much as I'm sure he'd like me to, but he has his uses. In any event, I'm in serious lust after an Axe Fx the minute I've got the money. I've read and heard far too much to go without one before I start pushing up daisies. Many effects boxes and amplifiers get a lot of positive press at their debut, but these things are unique in that nobody has a bad thing to say about them to this day, and are universal in their praise. Even on the fanatic forums, when they get into a slugfest about amps, it's always "[Everybody] sucks... except the Axe FX". I mean, even the untouchable icons like Fender and Marshall have their detractors, but the Axe FX? No. Guys sell piles of vintage, boutique and specialty amps after buying one of these things. It's like they're magic. So, yeah. Me. Soon.

I know I love my Ultra. Sold an AC30, a Plexi and a Bandmaster Reverb, all the effects, cabs and mikes.
The only short coming I can think of with this system is having a broader choice of solid, complex capable MIDI controllers. The pickings there are slim. Axcess FX-1 is gone. Leaving the Liquidfoot and Gordius. LF is having growth pains and the Gordius is a non-std layout. Fractal's offering is still yet to come to production.

Others such as Rocktron All Access, Ground Control, etc are not really advanced enough to handle all you can do with an AXE-FX.