Right around 3:15 and 5:20, there are way more beats than there are fingers.... :icon_scratch: and ditto on the Vinny Colaiuta, he has got such a wonderful sense of control. Drummers jumping around in their chair with their eyes bugging out rarely pass the "don't watch - just listen" test.
This is totally, awesomely, actually listenable as music - as opposed to Zowie! Wowie! stuff, though they've got a few chops between 'em....
If I heard THAT coming down the street I'd sure hide under the bed. And all three of those guys will tell you that THIS guy was the one they dreamed about being...
Cobham didn't have to stop playing one thing to play another - he'd just add it in and play them both. Nowadays there are guys with, like, cyborg brains. THIS is the guy who didn't quite get the Dream Theater job:
He can play more with any two limbs than a merely great drummer can with four. I have a lot of respect for people who can do things I wouldn't dream of - I'm not much of a believer in "natural", "God-given" type talent, all the great musicians I've known or know about worked really, really hard at some point or another, 12 and 15 hours a day.... But drumming (well) really does takes a certain kind of brain wiring that I certainly ain't got.
I've had a couple of different semi-rural living situations where the band practiced at my house, so the drums were there. Have you ever sat down behind a kit and really tried to make sense out of it, day after day? I used to be able to play a not-too-sucky slow shuffle, a not-too-sucky medium shuffle and a not-too-sucky really slow shuffle - and I was exhausted in 15 minutes.
There was an inadvertently-comic show on TV several years back called "Rock Star - Supernova", I think? Ex-Metallica bass player, some guitarist and Motley Crue's drummer - Tommy Lee - were "hiring" a singer for their super grrr-poop. And some Big Exciting Moments were when the super pooper members got up and got down and rocked out, dude, whoo-yay. And Tommy Lee got on the drum kit and with the cameras rolling, began to play MTV-video style drums, flailing around wildly, bouncing up and down, throwing in the cruelly-handsome scowls at a cymbal or two.... and two minutes into the song he was totally whipped, he looked like he was ready to fall off the seat, looking around like "Oh god how much longer can it BE?" I think they cut to a commercial. :laughing3: