
Auto paint over Pure Tung Oil


Senior Member
I've got a tung-oiled body that I am going to send to a guy that does auto painting for a clear coat.  This is a body I'm not concerned about ruining and this will be his first try at doing guitar bodies, so this is our test piece.  Anyway, I've filled the grain on it and got the (pure) tung oil on it, so should I remove the tung oil before he shoots it or can I just leave it?


If I remember right, -CB- has said don't mix finished. Someone else is probably more certain, though.
Since you've just oiled it... you're pretty much behind the eight ball on this one.  You'll need to let that oil cure for a long time before you shoot anything over it.

The painter should, or you should, scuff sand the body after the oil cures.... and I mean on the order of a month or more.  You can 320 sand it, then shoot it with clear.  It probably will be ok.  PURE tung is probably less of a problem than the poly-razz-ma-tazz tung oil they sell in the big box stores, since pure tung has no synthetic varnishes in it.
-CB- said:
Since you've just oiled it... you're pretty much behind the eight ball on this one.   You'll need to let that oil cure for a long time before you shoot anything over it.

Nah, I oiled it months ago, so I'll just scuff and send it when I get a chance.  It'll probably be a little while before I can get to it, so it should have even more time to cure,

Thanks for the advice.  And good job, Max!

I wouldn't for a few reasons -

1.  The case flocking may stick to the tung oil
2.  The oil AIR cures, so it needs AIR not a case in contact with it
3.  You might decide you need to improve on things, or just another coat of oil.... hence don't assemble.

You're getting into rush mode.  Thats bad....
I was always taught never to throw your oily rags away into the garbage, because oily rags spontaneously self-combust.

I dont know anything about tung oil, but reason would stand that you risk the same thing shutting an oiled guitar into an enclosed case before the oil at least dries.

Mind you now that I typed all that it would only make sense that you'd have waited at least that long anyway.
Volitions Advocate said:
I was always taught never to throw your oily rags away into the garbage, because oily rags spontaneously self-combust.

I dont know anything about tung oil, but reason would stand that you risk the same thing shutting an oiled guitar into an enclosed case before the oil at least dries.

Yeah, but think of the sweet relic'd finish you'd get.  :icon_jokercolor:
Volitions Advocate said:
I was always taught never to throw your oily rags away into the garbage, because oily rags spontaneously self-combust.

Yeah, I always flush mine down the toilet.  :laughing7:

Seriously, how do you dispose of them?

wouldnt the oil have to heat up to catch fire? are you guys saying that the drying action of tung oil will cause enough heat to catch fire? I am doubtful.

Some oils can and will spontaneously combust.  The pure tung oil that I used on my neck had a warning to this effect on the bottle.  The proper way to dispose of the rags is to put them in a container filled with water and place a tightly fitted lid on the container before placing the whole thing in the proper receptacle.  I knew a guy who half-burned down the restaraunt where he worked because he agreed to do some after hours wood refinishing in their dining room, and he failed to heed these warnings. 
bpmorton777 said:
Wow! Ok , ill make sure I dispose of this stuff properly! :icon_thumright:


Hehe, better safe than living in the burn unit for 6 months, I always say!
