Vol. Knob said:I've not had the chance to play through a Bugera, but I've saw one in a pawn shop recently. They look good on paper, on the price tag, and in pictures... however... in person they seem a little flimsy. And given my experience with Behringer (I have PA gear and a bass amp), I'd pass. But I could be wrong.
I have one of those Peavey Windsor heads. It was the worst sounding amp I've ever owned. All fizzy gain. I swapped out the preamp tubes for lower gain 12AY7s, and that brought in the headroom. Then I went ahead and had a tech do the Doug Hammond mods. And now I love this thing. I run it through a closed back 2x12 loaded with Eminence Cannibas Rex speakers, use my Epiphones mostly, but it also performs well with my off-brand Warlock, P-90 loaded Warmoth thinline or '69 Thinline jalopy. But at 100 watts, its quick to get loud.
I just completed the second stage of the Hammond mods, that is converting the power tubes to a long-tailed configuration. It requires undoing a few of the original mods, and also results in a decrease in output, but not headroom. If you didn't have that done, you may want to look into it, it makes a big difference in volume.