I have one. They are thee bollocks!
I'll try be unbiased but i love this guitar more then anything i've ever played. The neck is made of carbon fibre, and it feels like gloss except not sticky, it really does get slicker when you sweat. It has stainless steel frets which have been abused for about 8 months now and show no signs of ware. The bridge is light and can function in 3 modes, fixed, down only and floating. It has a compound radius of somesort and it feels really comfortable. What i like most about this guitar is the stereo split function for the piezo and mag pickups.
Back when i was looking for a guitar, i wanted something highly versatile, i needed it to do everything i wanted in any situation, plus a few extras for toying with. This guitar is brilliant and i would definitely recomend it as a workhorse for the studio and live.
I have 2 main gripes about this guitar though, I LOVE the sound of a strat, and as good as the coil taps are it just doesnt have that middle + neck or bridge sound, cause funnily enough it doesnt have a middle pickup! The other thing is the battery box, some times the batteries get jammed and i nearly broke it twice trying to get it out of there. I've have one issue with the locking tuners but that was my incompitance and not the guitars.
They sound MEAN, in regards to sound the only problem i have is it can become a bit squeaky and treble when you turn the volume down, its usable for getting a clean with a tube amp but ive heard guitars do a better job in that department.
The piezo is amazing. I had a stereo lead splitting the peizo going into a PA, and the magnetic going into a marshall with a compressor and a chorus running in stereo between the 2. It sounded bitchin. I have honestly never heard a guitar sound better then that.
I paid about £900 for mine, i have the Parker Nitefly M version and it sounds and plays like a professional instrument should. Thats about all i can say really, i suggest trying one out cause it can take a good half hour to get used too.