Another one-part excuse for a build

This just in:


Rather grimy, but hey, it's been sitting around for quite a while.  I'll give 'er a good wipedown with naptha and a wee touch with the fine sanding pad, and see what I get. Probably gonna two-step dye the top (diluted black, sand back, bright color) but I don't know what color yet.  Blue feels right, at the moment.  We'll see if that sticks.

I'm envious. Looks like a prime candidate for another binding project. In any event, it's going to be a fine fiddle.
Good call! 

I've been sidetracked lately.
A friend of my wife sent her home with a busted mandolin I've been working on.
I know absolutely nothing about mandolins.

I was also given an Alvarez dreadnaught, which needs a LOT of help.  It belonged to a friend of mine who killed himself last year, so it's rather a special project.
The thing sounds nice, but just has a weird mojo to it.  Like it's been in a very sick place for a long time.  I'm hoping I can exorcise any demons by cleaning it up and refretting.
It got stepped on, and I think I've gotten all of that stuff repaired.
tylereot said:
Good call! 

I've been sidetracked lately.
A friend of my wife sent her home with a busted mandolin I've been working on.
I know absolutely nothing about mandolins.

I was also given an Alvarez dreadnaught, which needs a LOT of help.  It belonged to a friend of mine who killed himself last year, so it's rather a special project.
The thing sounds nice, but just has a weird mojo to it.  Like it's been in a very sick place for a long time.  I'm hoping I can exorcise any demons by cleaning it up and refretting.
It got stepped on, and I think I've gotten all of that stuff repaired.

I've seen your Facebook photos of the mando rebuild, and it's quite awesome to watch you dive in with such bravery.  Not sure I'd have the stones for that.

I'm very sorry to hear about your friend.  I hope the dreadnought resurrection brings peace to his friends and family and to mellows the mojo in the guitar. 

Thanks, Ian.  The mandolin is done, but the neck has a bow in it.  I have no idea what to do with that, and it's certainly not worth putting money into.  It's pretty though.  It should hang on a wall somewhere.

The Alvarez is pretty nice, and has done a church service, (blessed by the minister.. who happens to be my wife!)  and is going to play a protest rally on Monday.  I think the mojo is on the right track.
Just spitballin' here, Tyler, but maybe you could take off the fingerboard and chisel a channel for a truss rod on the mando  -- or maybe steam it and clamp it straight?

I'm glad the Alvy is transcending its tragic history.  Way to bend it to your will!  I'm sure  your wife's spiritual intervention has been of immeasurable benefit.