Blowing it "away" is a really bad idea, if
that is going to give you comfort to think that it's now "away."
The stuff that gets "encapsulated" in your lungs - trapped by mucus, covered over, hardened up, COPD = "Chthonic Osiris Pendragon Dookie" - is 5 microns and down in size, and it lives in the AIR. If you see fine dust (40 microns is the ultra-powdery stuff), that's a GREAT indication that the air is
also full of little deadlies, but making the big chunks leave may just lull you into an eventual slow, highly-tortuous death-by-incremental suffocation. You see these people creeping around with the little oxygen-tank strollers, puff... puff... puff...? Until there is no puff no mo'. :sad1: And just blowing shit all over the place is an even worse idea unless you have a high-potency recirculation fan that blasts it all outside and turns over all the air over in the whole shop. Outside is fine (by the way :icon_biggrin
, once the stuff hits humidity & wind & rain etc. - AKA "weather" - it's beat. It's not
poison you have to think about, well you do - TOO - but that ain't this and substitute-worrying isn't gonna... mmm... mmmm... mmmmm... BZZT! Remember 1983* when a bunch of Marines got blown up in Beirut? So... we invaded Grenada?
Which we can now see obviously ended up fixing "the Beirut thing" just
so-oo fricking well... fixing your "poison thing" and blowing "away" the gauche unsightly
visual dust is invading Grenada.
Interestingly enough, it turns out that coal and asbestos
per se aren't really bad for you at all,
per se. You could eat a big plate of 'em for breakfast every day of your life no problem. Per se. But asbestos likes to bust up really sub-5 micron tiny when you go cramming fistfuls of it into crannies (not
grannies, perv) and coal does this weird thing when you blow it to smithereens with dynamite - it gets small-ish too.
I really HATE to be Mr. Bummer
(please still love me! please still love me!) but this is, unfortunately, entirely real and entirely sucky stuff.
(How dare he say anything... unpleasant! Ee-yew - JERK!)
There might even be a
reason why the first 5 pages of every 20-page Rockler blurbo is full of hoses and fans and stuff (apparently one big-ass M.F. blower-thing, pointing outside, is the heart & start of a good rig). This is a weirdly-new problem caused almost entirely by much-better sandpaper glue and all the new machines and processes that can then result from that little butterfly-in-the-rainforest. And there's an incubation period, so the Puffer Brigade is just now starting to spool up to full size. And up... and up... and there are factories the size of small
towns in China.
And it's also obviously a cumulative and situational problem. I build and finish so little relatively I'm not concerned, and with the state of my hands I'm going to play music first and foremost and only after I play myself into full lather do I poke around and see if I have any fingeriness left. I'm sure it's age-and-activity related too, unfortunately - I used to work at City Grill in Austin, you'd pour a bag of mesquite charcoal into a big bin, set it on fire then stick your head in it and cook fish & meat all night. I used to cough up a lot of black crap but I was also playing bass in bands full-time, drank a case of beer a day, had nightly relations with women to whom I was not betrothed and never slept. God I miss my 20's.... :toothy12: not much of anything could ever stay
stuck, is what I mean. High metabolic rate. Any two of those nowadays would kill me.
(bust out the good phones - 5:46->->->->-> :glasses10: goddam. cat: things worth sticking around for....)