
An Always-tuned guitar?


Master Member

As someone at the Steel Guitar Forum pointed out, all they've basically done is re-invent the pedal steel guitar changer, except they don't have pedals that can change individual strings (yet?) They don't even seem to know it... what they're going to/may figure out, among many things, is that if they build it out of aluminum, it's going to be much more sensitive to temperature changes. It's pretty neat - I want one - but somehow, I don't see it taking over, any more than Gibson's Robot guitar or the Moog guitar has (yet?)

THIS looks like more fun:
Actually I think this is quite cool!  And I hated (HATED) the robot guitar.  This is a real innovation, assuming it works.

The downside is that subtle bends and vibrato will not work.  Or if you have hams for hands, that could be an upside!
I was reading some of the comments.  Bends and vibrato are not negated if you adjust it so that a bend or vibrato is out of it's corrective range.  This does however negate any benefit of the system.  If it's setup this way it can't go flat, only sharp.
So, how does this actually correct the problem? It doesn't. As they say, your guitar will go out of tune while bending etc. and this guitar doesn't. However, every guitarist bend notes. To be able to bend notes with this system you have to "tune" the string up so it's right on the edge of correction. Now, if you play this guitar for, let's say five, shows you'll have to "retune" it to proper tension so you can bend again. Before every studio take you have to retune it to proper tension so you can properly bend.

Cool idea, doesn't fix the real problem.
Instruments do seem to hit a point of stasis - pianos, violins, saxophones etc. I would argue that seven strings, scalloped fretboards, active electronics, Floyd Roses are all important advances, but as long as they're not needed to play the popular music of the day, they'll remain niche items. That tuner thing seems to add an amazing level of complexity to a barely-existing problem. We're in a weird historical phase for the electric guitar, as long as enough sniffers keep pretending that 1950's technology was the peak, it's hard for the general state of the guitar to advance. Hence all the "vintage modern" and "improved classic" marketing schtick. The younguns are just waiting for us fogeys to die... :laughing7:
stubhead said:
Instruments do seem to hit a point of stasis - pianos, violins, saxophones etc. I would argue that seven strings, scalloped fretboards, active electronics, Floyd Roses are all important advances, but as long as they're not needed to play the popular music of the day, they'll remain niche items. That tuner thing seems to add an amazing level of complexity to a barely-existing problem. We're in a weird historical phase for the electric guitar, as long as enough sniffers keep pretending that 1950's technology was the peak, it's hard for the general state of the guitar to advance. Hence all the "vintage modern" and "improved classic" marketing schtick. The younguns are just waiting for us fogeys to die... :laughing7:

well i felt the mechinism was simple not overly complex but i dont see the point either way. but as far as old technology goes they really did a great job in the 50's and 60's on alot of things guitar related or not. if you look at the experimental stuff from back then i feel like we should be farther along than we are today. but back to guitars, how can you really improve whats there other than do real world scientific testing to get a better quality of materials to work with and how to better transfer energy. IMO a better instrument can only come from refining the designs already in existence, and not complicating it too much.
stubhead said:
The younguns are just waiting for us fogeys to die... :laughing7:

Well yeah.  We want your guitars.  *tapping fingers impatiently*  Are you STILL alive?  :(