As someone at the Steel Guitar Forum pointed out, all they've basically done is re-invent the pedal steel guitar changer, except they don't have pedals that can change individual strings (yet?) They don't even seem to know it... what they're going to/may figure out, among many things, is that if they build it out of aluminum, it's going to be much more sensitive to temperature changes. It's pretty neat - I want one - but somehow, I don't see it taking over, any more than Gibson's Robot guitar or the Moog guitar has (yet?)
THIS looks like more fun:
As someone at the Steel Guitar Forum pointed out, all they've basically done is re-invent the pedal steel guitar changer, except they don't have pedals that can change individual strings (yet?) They don't even seem to know it... what they're going to/may figure out, among many things, is that if they build it out of aluminum, it's going to be much more sensitive to temperature changes. It's pretty neat - I want one - but somehow, I don't see it taking over, any more than Gibson's Robot guitar or the Moog guitar has (yet?)
THIS looks like more fun: