
Amps that go POOF in the night


Hero Member
:sad: :-\
Okay, I was jammin through my Peaver tonight, which is a Classic 60, and it basically simply quit. Blown fuse. I'm hoping against hope the fuse just gave up the ghost.
I recently put two Chinese tubes in there, so I'll try a couple different tubers and a new fuse. Could be all thats the matter.
could be that those new tubes are loading the heater supply more that usual - or maybe they have a short on the plates.

In any case +1 to replacing the fuse and the tubes.
It happens. Try plugging your American amp straight into European power... fry.  :sad: I loove fuses.  :hello2:
Justinginn said:
It happens. Try plugging your American amp straight into European power... fry.  :sad: I loove fuses.  :hello2:

Ha ha. Billy Idol's guitarist (Not Steve Stevens) did that famously in Sydney a few years back for a Rugby League Grand Final performance. Blew fuses everywhere, and the performance had to stop - in front of 80,000 people. :o :icon_biggrin: Tried looking for a You Tube clip of it but cannot find it.
still the same. Plays at half power. One side lights up and works , the other does not.
Don't know whether to have it fixed , or try and sell it as is on Fleabay
Is yours one of the Classic VTX series from the 80's?  If so those are great workhorse amps, but don't resell all that well even in working condition.
No. Mine is a power amp. I do also have one of those classic VTX 2x12 combo amps. They are hybrid amps with a solid state front end. I consider them to be the greatest bargains in the free world. Yeah, they still haven't gone up in price, but you don't see them as often as you used to locally.  Okay, cleans aren't spectaculous, howevery theOld Peavey Calsics form the 80's ( Heritage and VTX)  have this massive brutal totally unrefined distortion thats just really fantastic. I used to have two . I sold one, but I'm hanging onto the one I still have for dear life.  The phaser on those amps is stupid good- its a studio quality phaser and I laugh to see idiots buying up small two hundred  dollar  all transistor litle  phaser boxes  when they could have a whole combo amp built like a sh*t brickhouse  amp with one of the best  tube phasers in the world that I've ever heard for the same price..