
Alternate choice for Soloist body?


Senior Member

I have been looking for a soloist body with TOP route
to mimic custom shop ESP, etc. I have contacted
Warmoth, and they don't do top route on Soloist bodies.
Are there any alternate choices where I can get this done?
The quality should be as good as Warmoth... :)
They might let you order a body witout a control cavity. Then you could rout the top or get someone to do it. Not a tough job when there's going to be a pickguard on top of it. I guess the pickguard will be custom too.
There is deffinitely a top routed sort of soloist in the gallery....


There we go.

Like Rich Ship said though, it was probally done by someone other than warmoth. I would think it wouldn't be difficult, and that small if any changes would be needed to be made to the strat style top route.
richship said:
They might let you order a body witout a control cavity. Then you could rout the top or get someone to do it. Not a tough job when there's going to be a pickguard on top of it. I guess the pickguard will be custom too.

Or you could kind of do the oppoisite and get a body blank already routed and you could do the outline yoourself. Try KnE too.
Thanks for taking time to reply, guys!

I just sent an email to KnE. Let's see what they say.
Will update you all on this.
That sucks. At least they respond quickly to emails. There's a couple guys on ebay that I have dealt with that do pretty good work. Cycochick and Gluff. you may want to check them out too. Good luck. :guitaristgif:
I would just do a Strat body. I love my Soloist, and it sounds great, but now I am wishing I had gone with a Strat body.
ESP makes Strat-shaped Custom Shop guitars. Their "M" series shape is different from the Soloist, although from far away it looks similar.