All done....Jazz Bass


Senior Member

And that's that.  My last bass, my last instrument.  Got one more, maybe two more amps to build.
Looks good. After you do your two amps, what then? It takes some serious fortitude resist another build.
I have new surf green tolex 5e3 cabinet and old original c12q that needs to be chassified, and I want to build a bass amp.  But... My 5f4 is turning out to be pretty good as a bass amp, so it nay just get another 2x10 cabinet to go with it.  Dunno.
Play as much as I can I suppose.  I'm old folks.... Not planning on cashing out, but I just don't need thi big collection I used to have.
Ok, let me ask, how many basses, how many guitars, how many amps do you think you’ll have?
At one point...  Five teles, two strats, two es333, two lp, three sg, one guild s100, other solid bodies i cant even remember like danelectro and kay, some tacoma acoustics, a ovation Adams, every blackface fender except the vibroverb, a few tweed champs, a blues jr, my own 5f4s, and a reverb unit, and a jazz bass, an es 135....

Down to one tele, one jazz, one 5f4, and the adamas

Well, then. That was some collection. There's a certain appeal to lightening the load.
So it's distilled to the essentials.  One acoustic, one electric, one bass and one amp.  I can see that ...

I'm nearing the end of my accumulation phase with one nylon string (Ovation Glenn Campbell), one acoustic (MWEP Adamas), Telecaster (Warmoth), TeleDeluxe (Warmoth), Nashville Tele (Warmoth), Jazzmastery (Warmoth), Mini Yamaha Amp and a JX30 Yamaha Combo.  I've sold or given away probably an equal number.  Probably two more guitars and two more amps, and then it's thinning the herd like you.  For me I see three electrics, the MWEP, the Campbell, a pignose and the JX yamaha or equivalent.
Toulouse_Tuhles said:
My unloading into words.  The ex.
Yep...been there and got that T-shirt with the next ex (the current wife). Went from 12 to 0 and I'll have 3 after all of my projects are finished. That is a very nice looking bass :icon_thumright:
Its interesting for sure.  The finish is not quite "clear", has some bit of tint to it.  Not complaining, but my "clear gloss" Tele Thinline is much lighter.  You can see the woods are about the same in the neck pocket, but the finish is just "darker" on the Jazz Bass. 

And that's not a bad thing, as the body seems to match the slightly darker neck on the bass, while the Thinline has a lighter shade of goncalo.
The Fender string through the body bridge is a perfect fit with the Badass III route.  Zero intonation issues, lots of room to move things forward or back on the saddles.  The saddles each have multiple string grooves to suit various spacing and string gauges.  I like the string through the body better than string through the bridge design. 

Controls are nice, quiet, smooth.  I got a cheapo "kit" from Amazon with CTS pots, with Orange Drop cap and switchcraft jack, and some wire.  It was like $8?  Dunno how, but that's Amazon.
Had some neck fit issues, but a little sanding in the pocket cured that.  Ditto pickguard needed to be fit for the pocket, just a little bit.  Dunno what's with that, but it wasn't a hard fit to accomplish.  It was a Warmoth pickguard which neither was perfect for the neck nor body.  Oh well, its fit and works.
I put mutes under the bridge cover.  Just enough to grab the excess trebles from string noise.  The pickups are Fender "Original" Jazz Bass set.  They're ok, I mean... you can swap pickups till the cows come home and everyone likes something different.  I wish the bridge was just a bit brighter, but the neck is perfect.  They mix well together too.
Tuning keys are Schaller, and were an easy fit.  The ferrules were an easy fit, and needed a tappity tap for the last 1/16 inch or so. 

So, it plays well!  I put the 2nd set of strings on last night.  I usually have that "assembly and setup set" that get manhandled and such from multiple tightening loosening sessions as things get fit.  Using Fender 7150s since I'm a cheap ol goat, and they're the cheapest pure nickel wrap out there for bass.
And.... my own 5F4 inspired amp, with 2x10 Celestion G10 Vintage speakers handles the bass end pretty darn well, even at full volume, the distortion is from the amp, not the speakers.  That is 120 watts of speaker capacity being driven at bass frequencies by 40-45 watts of amp.  Retains nice high end too. (and they're sounding better for guitar now that they've really limbered up with bass a while).
That's about it!
You truly sound like a happy man, I'm glad you're happy! That's a very nice looking bass, congrats, enjoy your new axe! :headbang: