Additional Binding Options?


Senior Member
I understand that with the finish department backed up, we probably won’t see any finishing R&D for some time. One thing I’d like to see is additional binding options, both color (red, purple, green, blue) and/or multi-ply binding like the Gibson Custom series. 3, 5 or 7-ply in the W/B/W and Cream/Black/White themes.

It’s a pipe dream, but I think it would look great on Regals, Mooncasters, Nomads and Teles!
Timely thread. For the guitar I built in my sig, I bought a router and some other tools and did my own binding. Outer black, inner cream and an underside abalone. I called W yesterday about a Mooncaster, and had asked if it could be purchased without binding, since I'd do it myself. I was surprised when they said no.

I agree, other binding options, including a multilayer like a Gibson LPC, would be great.

A pic somewhere in the binding process....

Velocity 2nd binding layer - Copy.jpg

Closer to finished...
V top side polished.jpg
Binding options are really tough. Adding a single new color requires a LOT more R&D than you would think.

I'm not saying it will never happen, but don't expect it tomorrow.