Active pickups..


Hero Member
So... Here's where I stand... I bought a schecter a while back that had EMG '81 '85.... Hated it.. Sounded really thin..
But I like the tone other players have with Actives. And I LOVE the actives in my new bass...
Could it be just the EMG actives that I don't like? Maybe a bad set?
Where do you guys stand on this? On Actives?
have you replaced the batteries? sometimes that'll get you a really thin sound if they're dying.
Sir SchmoopY said:
no clue, but i thought i'd take the time out of my day to tell you i don't know.

First of all I want to say, Schmoop... You are a waste of sperm, air, and Jesus Juice......
But thanks anyway.

Kataar said:
have you replaced the batteries? sometimes that'll get you a really thin sound if they're dying.

Yes, I've replaced them several times....
I don't know what the issue is.. I don't want to write themm just yet.

Might be a bum set or just plain bad wiring.  I just put a set of those in an Epi LP for a friend of mine a few months ago...and thin wouldn't be the word for how they sound.  Try raising them closer to the strings, that set didn't seem to have the same level of magnetic string pull on em that most HB's have.  Plus the 18v mod helped to fill out the headroom a bit, but it wasn't a night/day difference imho...just fuller but still had that EMG sound.
blue313 said:
Might be a bum set or just plain bad wiring.  I just put a set of those in an Epi LP for a friend of mine a few months ago...and thin wouldn't be the word for how they sound.  Try raising them closer to the strings, that set didn't seem to have the same level of magnetic string pull on em that most HB's have.  Plus the 18v mod helped to fill out the headroom a bit, but it wasn't a night/day difference imho...just fuller but still had that EMG sound.

Well I've tried moving the pickups closer... if they any closer, the would touch lol.
First off, I don't think SchmoopY deserved that.

Secondly, What amp are you using.  I've got a pair of EMGs and they do have a really compressed sound.  That is their nature.  The 18v mod helps.  Remember that the majority of the "rock stars" that use these play through mega processed signals, for which EMGs would be perfect.  They sound good in my LP, but I have to tweak the eq on my amp to get fullness out of it.  I also have a nice Ibanez bass with active EQ, and have had a Peavey Sarzo bass with the same.  The tone from each was awesome.  These are apples and oranges when comparing guitars to basses and onboard electronics.
Maybe the wiring's fucked up? I know that happened to me before. If that's not it then it has to be your settings or something. EMG's are the exact opposite of "thin". Worst comes to worst, toss that 85 in the bridge. It's a bit "thicker" sounding than the 81.
Well, I don't think it's my amp... I have three heads, that I mainly use aside from the Carvin bass amp.. They are a Mesa roadster, Carvin V3 and an Orange tiny terror.... I've just run into a stop on a few things.. And I REALLY don't want to write them off yet.
I would double check the wiring and pots (did you use the pots supplied with the pups?)  I put a set in a LP, and as already mentioned, thin is not how I would discribe the sound.

riverbluff said:
I would double check the wiring and pots (did you use the pots supplied with the pups?)  I put a set in a LP, and as already mentioned, thin is not how I would discribe the sound.


+1 Check the pot value, standard EMG pot value is 25k.
Sir SchmoopY said:
no clue, but i thought i'd take the time out of my day to tell you i don't know.
Dude that is sooooooooo funny, you are way more twisted than I previously thawt..... :toothy12:
DangerousR6 said:
Sir SchmoopY said:
no clue, but i thought i'd take the time out of my day to tell you i don't know.
Dude that is sooooooooo funny, you are way more twisted than I previously thawt..... :toothy12:
Pretty F'ed up isn't he?  :icon_biggrin:
I had great expectations of the EMG's that came in my ESP, but I was very dissapointed.  They have a nice clean sound that i thought was strangely single coilish.  They put out a lot of gain, i just prefer the fatness of a passive humbucker i guess.  you live and you learn..and then you get luvs.
It seems like the only advice I give these days is "go to Guitar Center" but I think you should go to Guitar Center!  Play a few active guitars and see if they sound like your Schecter.  EMGs sound sterile to me, but not thin... but it's all in the ear of the beholder so if you think it sounds thin (and all the ones you try out are similar) then EMGs are not for you :)
JamesL said:
I have three heads ... And I REALLY don't want to write them off yet.

so dude - this is you??


