
absolute newb needs help with neck finishing!

I've just received an all maple neck, and ordered a clear satin finish nitro spray and wanted to know if the fretboard needs finishing in any way or should I just mask the fretboard and apply the nitro?  Also is there any way I can darken the neck to give a vintage tint?

Here's where I bought the nitro from


I've looked at tinted gloss from this supplier, but don't want a gloss finish on my neck.  Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

you need to spray the fretboard as well. dont tape off the fretts, just scape them off after you are done. bunches of threads on this subject, take a look.

just double checking, you said ALL maple right? maple fretboard? if it's something other than maple on the fretboard tape it all off and then spray.

hey Brian,

yeah its all maple.  I've used some woodstain to darken the wood first, going to spray with the satin lacquer then im nearly there.