
A Warmoth neck that isn't


Junior Member
Check this one out?


In his defense he does state quite clearly that it's a Mighty Mite neck that he's stuck a Warmoth sticker on.
There's no end of crap on eBay that has "Warmoth" tacked into the listing title for items that shouldn't; I particularly abhor the ones that are for USACG parts. It seems to be getting worse; just checked and of all the eBay listings that come back on a search for "Warmoth" in Guitar, 19% shouldn't be there.

If a listing like this pisses you off, you can complain to eBay and they will make the seller change the verbiage and relist....
Who is this numbnut?

He's not an idiot, he clearly realizes that sticking "Warmoth" in his ads is a selling point, but he's not selling Warmoth parts... I guess he's just a crook?

Here's a treat from Voodoochild:


This guitar is Super NICE and was not man handled. The paint was only removed via a relicing process.

I am in awe... :blob7: