A reminder to be kind to each other.


Somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Staff member
Hey everyone...just a reminder: Be kind to your fellow forumites. In fact, just be kind to people in general. It's a better way to get through life. You'll have more friends, and they will care more about what you have to say.

It is fine to have strong opinions about things. Nothing is more fulfilling than associating with people who are really passionate about what they do. However, an opinion expressed without empathy and tact is just a seed thrown on stony ground.

Kindness is a big deal. Such a big deal that it has even been codified in the rules of this forum. Check it out:
* Negativity: Be kind. There are many forums on the internet that tolerate verbal attacks and abusive comments between members; this board is NOT one of them. These types of posts will simply be deleted so that we can promote a helpful, positive guitar and bass building community. Members that habitually post negative comments and perpetuate a black-cloud atmosphere will have their comments deleted and may be banned from posting without warning.

Mean-spirited posts by anyone will not be tolerated on this forum. I hope that makes it clear. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
I remember singing this in grade school chorus.

Well, I got a warning..... so maybe it was me, but I haven't a clue what post is referred to....