
A Question...


Junior Member
Every guitar I own seems to have strengths and weaknesses in the sustain department. I would not say I have any "dead" or "wolf" tones. But, there are certainly notes that speak better than others and some that don't speak as well. Interestingly enough, on both my Fender American Standard Tele and my Warmoth Strat, the A's at the (4th string/7th fret, 3rd string/14th fret, and 2nd string 10th fret) don't sing as well. The A on the 3rd string/14th fret on my Warmoth probably speaks the least. I don't really even notice unless I sit in a quiet room and listen to the individual notes ring. Doing this, is how I realized the situation.

Again, they are not dead, its just that don't sing as well as other notes on the neck.

Does anyone else have this happen? Perhaps with a different pitch? Is there a way to remedy this? If not, that's fine, its a minor issue, but I would not mind improving on this.

Thanks for your help!
What exactly do you mean by 'speak as well'? Doesn't sustain as long? Is quieter, rattles or buzzes? Only those three As and not all the other places where A is sounded on a standard-tuned guitar?  Back your pickups away from the strings just a bit, listen for frets buzzing which will indicate high frets. What else could it be, or maybe you just need to explain more clearly.
By speak, I mean sustain. Sorry. The A's I mentioned ring for about 3 seconds. Other notes ring for 5 seconds and some ring on and on and on. I adjusted the pickups to a very low position and there were no changes. There is no buzzing of any kind anywhere on the neck, even when bending heavily. It plays incredibly well. I would even say the guitar has some really great sustain, except for these few notes.

Sorry if I am still unclear.
I've noticed this as well, it's A's for me too. Especially on my acoustic, the open A string and 5th fret A on the E string sound almost a bit muted. I'ts noticeable but not nearly as pronounced on my Hagström Swede. Very strange.
I find that set up is key, I have a heritage 575 that I had set up at elderly in michigan and it's about as good as I've played
I have a note that makes my trem springs vibrate a little.  And one that I can play in two places that always decays to a harmonic which is SWEET.  Any time you can end a solo on that note the harmonic fades in beautifully.
Yeah, i have one note that fades into a higher harmonic.....it's the G on the 4th string/5th fret......my other guitar has that on the B-flat located on the 3rd string/3rd fret......

I only really notice the less sustaining A's when using a good amount of distortion.....