A Limerick Play, in Five Acts.... one quite Natural


Epic Member
It seems, chaps, that my girl-friend Elizabeth Hawke, from the great isle now known as the "UK", has fully indoctrinated my being with her home made Vegetable Curry.  This, along with the raw marinated cucumber salad, had the most profound effect.  I was aptly moved (cough) to become playwright herewith, and present the following for your cultural pleasure.


[size=14pt]Fancy Curry for a Curry Fancy

~ Act I ~
Zollymoggle Plots Revenge

Zollymoggle traveled with haste
For a sample of Curry to taste
Before He was through
Empty bowls numbered two
(Serving three was put on a plate)

~ Act II ~
A Matter of Delicate Inquirey

Asked He of Elizabeth's Curry
(Quite a vegetableistic slurry)
Will it chance an eruption
Of mild gastric disruption?
Said She, "It may, but no worries!"

~ Act III ~
The Frank Realization

Elizabeth's guest came from Crewe
To sample Her Punjab stew
Cried He, "Sweet Jesus!
There's sure to be breezes
Or odd musical note or two!"

~ Act IV ~
Zollymoggle's Revenge, Reprise

Zollymoggle's wife retired at two
Head on the the pillow when all was through
But covers up-crept
While soundly She slept
'Til She wakened when His whistle blew

~ Act V ~
For Curry, Some Just Desserts

With Zollymoggle putting on aires
To the kitchen went She (down the stairs)
Not mountain from hillock
She beat the poor pillock
With skillets and other housewares


And so it goes m'lads.  It seems I am doomed, totally and irrevocably ensnared. 

Pray for me.

jackthehack said:
You're still Drambuied out from New Year's, aren't you?

Actually, if I'm reading this correctly, the Drambuie may soon be replaced with warm beer, Earl Grey Tea, and Roses Lime Juice.
Lets not forget the chocolate covered Digestive Bisquits either lads... or the Newcastles!
Everybody likes newkie brown, and roses lime cordial is shite!

That Limerick however, is genius!
Whereabouts on this fair isle is she from?
Somerset.  The exact center of Somerset to be specific.

Correction - "from Somerset" is the family origins.  She grew up and lived in Thornbury, North East of Bristol.... and you know what they say about the birds from Bristol....