Hey everyone, I have a few things here that I would like to get rid of to thin out the herd.
Samick 7 String
My first guitar (will part the neck out if anyone wants just that)
I would like 250 for either + Shipping. 200 for the neck and the tuners if that is what you would like. If anyone is even slightly interested send me a PM and I will drop some details for you. Or if there are no bites I will throw some more stuff in this thread. Thanks for looking!
Samick 7 String
My first guitar (will part the neck out if anyone wants just that)
I would like 250 for either + Shipping. 200 for the neck and the tuners if that is what you would like. If anyone is even slightly interested send me a PM and I will drop some details for you. Or if there are no bites I will throw some more stuff in this thread. Thanks for looking!