
A baby guitar


Senior Member
Not a baby guitar as in small, but as in we are having a baby.  My wife and I tried to get pregnant, but were not able to so we are adopting.  If everything goes well we will be parents in April.  I want to build a guitar to celebrate that, but I don't want it to be just a guitar, I want it to symbolize it in some way.  I was thinking about doing a white guitar and then putting the babies hand and foot prints on it somewhere and then having the name put on the headstock.  I would also like to get a custom neck plate that will have the brithdate and some other info on it.  What do you guys think?  Any other ideas?  I want to be able to play the guitar in public so no bright pink body if its a girl or something  :icon_tongue:  I thought about maybe a neutral pastel green instead of the white maybe.  Are the handprints going too far?
That sounds cool! I like the baby's prints idea that would be cool. The only other color I can think of when I think of babies is that pastel yellow that people always buy when they don't know if it's a boy or a girl haha. I think the white sounds like a good idea to me.
The yellow is a good idea too.  It might look better than a pastel green.  At the moment I think white would look the best though coupled with the hand and foot prints.  I am not sure where to put them though.
Alright, I did some quick mock ups of what it might look like.  I think I like the white strat and white tele with black pickguards the best.  The carved top is pretty nice too though.  I like the strat yellow the best out of the color ones.


If it's a boy, go light blue. A girl, light pink. The handprint mockup is pretty cool.
Danuda said:
My wife and I tried to get pregnant
I got a laugh out of this.  As I'm pretty sure she's the only one capable of the two of you.

Cool guitar idea btw.
AutoBat said:
Danuda said:
My wife and I tried to get pregnant
I got a laugh out of this.  As I'm pretty sure she's the only one capable of the two of you.

Cool guitar idea btw.
Yeah, I don't know why I say it that way.  I have been made fun of multiple times for it.  It just comes out on accident.
Thats a great decision (adoption), congratulations.. May your life with your new child be everything and more than you could ever hope..

as for the guitar, all you need to do is paint it the color of the baby's hair or completion. what I mean to say is, it will be special no mater what you do. 
Cool.  Congratulations (and good luck) on the adoption.
I like the idea of the handprints, and I like the white carved top tele. I say go for that (with P90's)

Thanks!  I am really excited about it.
Yeah, after looking at them I like the white strat and the carved top tele.  I don't really like the colors.  Something about white against black works for me.  I think the neck will have to be all maple though.  At least not ebony like my other guitar.  That may be a bit much.
I gotta correct autoBat. You obviously have no kids, or at least never co habitated with a pregnant woman, cuz I can assure you that when the wifes pregnant, you both are. Every mood swing she has, he pays for  :occasion14: