
7/8 STRAT Guitar Replacement Body Rear Rout can install Pickguard?


Junior Member
:blob7: Season Greeting! Merry Christmas Everyone  :occasion14:

Im planning on my 2nd Project it is a "7/8 STRAT Guitar Replacement Body"/ Wilkinson Trem.... I saw 1 item in the showcase which meets my budget.

:sign13: I have 1 question out of curiosity.....Can i install a PICKGUARD on a Rear Rout 7/8 STRAT Guitar Replacement Body? If possible are there any concern issues.
I just want the Guitar looks when there is PiCKguard....thanks
I'd recommend you call and ask 2 things.. if control placement will be the same, and also if the 720 mod is on the body.
Even if control placement isn't the same, I don't see why you couldn't drill new control holes in the top. The mess would be covered by the pickguard. +1 to max, the 720 mod is a no show for pickguard guitars.
Thanks alot guys for the quick response..

im clear with the issues of the control position.... but the 720 modification I have no idea...Does this something to do with distance of the bridge on the body in respect to the NUT? But this Pickguad from Warmoth is also based from 7/8 Strat Body ......Let me browse at Warmoth site about this.
Appriciate if someone could explain me what is this 720 mod.. thanks alot  cheers!
the 720 mod is a deeper neck pocket, to eliminate the gap between fretboard overhand and body on rear routed guitars without a pickguard.
Max said:
the 720 mod is a deeper neck pocket, to eliminate the gap between fretboard overhand and body on rear routed guitars without a pickguard.

:blob7: Thanks alot Buddy.... Yeah with this is an issue if there are no enough gap for the Pickguard. cheers!
About the controls, you can tell just by looking at both that the controls aren't going to be the same, they are way off.
That's a real nice piece of wood on that body.  Why would you want to cover it up with a pickguard anyway?
If memory serves from when I worked there, the 25.5 scale rear route and top route were different in control layout/hole location.

It would be best to call sales, Bob Randolph has been there longer than any of the sales staff and is likely your best resource to have that question answered.
you could get the pickguard sans-holes and drill them yourself where the body holes are.
:blob7: Thanks alot evryone for the ideas and points to consider..... yeah I do agree its a beautifull wood...just wanted to try i out with pickguard...but again theres alot of points to consider anyway i will confirm wth warmoth. Its a good solution to order the ickguard with the control holes to match with the existing control loactions.
Thanks again guys happy holidays :occasion14:
Cagey said:
That's what I would do. You'd be guaranteed a perfect match that way.

although . . . looking at those pics, the holes would possibly look horribly wrong in relation to the edges of the pickguard  :sad1:
I don't know where those pictures came from, so it's tough to say. Those don't really look like matching parts, but if they are, then you're right.
it's deffinitely a 7/8 body, and I'm pretty sure that's a 7/8 PG generated by W's new PG builder.