
7/8 Strat and warhead necks......


Junior Member
G'day all. This body and neck option sounds cool to me.
I'd appreciate any thoughts and comments from any owners.

My gut feelings tell me the smaller body would be barely noticable and very comfortable. Gregg described the strings on his as being slinky. I read that as less tension, but not overly loose. If I am wrong let me know!

Cheer, Pete (who is getting less sleep since discovering the custom build function) :icon_scratch:
The builders will send you mad. I'm awaiting some pretty wood, but I keep going through the builder changing options.
I use 10-52 string gage on mine since I have a d-tuna on my Floyd. But a normal gage should feel about like a Gibson. The most stand out attribute that I end up noticing over and over is the incredible hand access you have to your pentatonic boxes above the 14 fret. Once we get these body and neck styles up on our website proper like, I bet you'll see more and more postings showing up here as people really get into this build spec.
hey, Gregg . . . are there ANY headstock options besides the Warhead for the 7/8? (like, for example, anything angled . . . or any headstock blanks?)
B3Guy said:
hey, Gregg . . . are there ANY headstock options besides the Warhead for the 7/8? (like, for example, anything angled . . . or any headstock blanks?)
Yep. You just have to be very specific when you ask your Warmoth rep on which peghead style for him to check in to. Nothing Fender shaped though.
schweet. I kinda figured you'd do at least some kind of blank, seeing as you shape the warhead by hand, (right?) . . . anywho . . . got lots of homework, so I'm just gonna leave the forum 'till later tonight.  :rock-on:
Introduction to the Bible Midterm Aced! One American Sign Language Midterm to go (why the HECK is Homecoming at the same time as Midterms? :tard:)
Thanks Gregg. That upper fret access is what turns me on.....that's why I have an SG not a Les Paul. Too bad the SG is a one trick pony, unlike single coils......
If you like an SG body, why not put single coils in it? (or SSH . . . or even HSH for that matter)?  :occasion14:
the warmoth sg is a far cry from the gibson sg when it comes to high fret access, if you are suggesting that he gets a warmoth sg body to route it the way he likes.
Oh yeah, if you want to get wild on an Warmoth SG, just ask us to short scale the body for you to make fit a tilt back style, 24 fret 24 3/4" scale neck we don't officially offer but can make. It's just a few bucks extra but wowza.. what cool axe that would be. (just opened up a can a worms didn't I?)  :laughing7:
OK, since you opened that delicious can-o-worms, is it possible to "short scale" other bodies, like maybe an LPS (flat or carved)?

What's involved there? Bridge and PU locations?
drewfx said:
OK, since you opened that delicious can-o-worms, is it possible to "short scale" other bodies, like maybe an LPS (flat or carved)?

What's involved there? Bridge and PU locations?
Any flat top body can be "short scaled" to fit the 24 fret, 24 3/4" neck. Yes, it is only the pickups and bridge that get moved by hand.

If you can short scale.... and these 7/8ths have no over hang... does that mean I could get a 24 fret....ICEMAN??!?!? with no over hang?


what  is the difference soundwise/playablity between these scales?
B3Guy, I would not put single coils in an SG because that would ruin the excuse to have another guitar :toothy10:

This topic has certainly turned into a can of worms.......options, options, options....