
5-way wiring help


Junior Member
I recently got a guitar with two HBs that also has a coil-split feature, and even though I mostly use the full HBs, I am finding that I like to use the coil-splits sometimes. I've got another guitar with a 3-way strat-style switch controlling two DiMarzio HBs, giving me bridge (series)/bridge (series) + neck (series)/neck (series), and I'm wondering if I can replace that with a 5-way switch that will add coil-split bridge + coil-split neck at the intermediate positions (2 + 4)?

If so, can you steer me toward a wiring diagram for this (with one volume + one tone) and recommend a high-quality switch? (Would I need a "super switch"?)

If not, is there something similar to what I described that you think I should consider instead?

Thanks for any advice!
Check out the Freeway website and look for the 5b5 diagrams.
It looks like both models of 5b5 only work with 3-pickup configs, but that should work b/c the guitar I have in mind does have a single-coil middle pickup. I've had it disconnected b/c I never use it; I replaced the original 5-way with a 3-way so I could get N + B in the middle. Maybe it's time to get *everything* connected with this Free-way switch. Thanks for the tip.
If I go with this switch + diagram, provided by @supertruper1988 above, can someone confirm for me what the DiMarzio wire colors would be? It looks like each pickup splits into black, gray, red, green, and black (again) in this diagram, so I'm not certain how to map this onto the red, green, black, white, and bare wires I've got. I'm bad enough at soldering that I won't want to have to redo it if I simply misunderstand the diagram! Thanks again for your help.

If I go with this switch + diagram, provided by @supertruper1988 above, can someone confirm for me what the DiMarzio wire colors would be? It looks like each pickup splits into black, gray, red, green, and black (again) in this diagram, so I'm not certain how to map this onto the red, green, black, white, and bare wires I've got. I'm bad enough at soldering that I won't want to have to redo it if I simply misunderstand the diagram! Thanks again for your help.

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The colors in the diagram are for Seymour Duncan. I used light gray instead of white because white doesnt print.

Seymour Duncan has a nice chart for that here:

In plain text, here is the conversion:
Duncan Black = DiMarzio Red
Duncan White = DiMarzio Black
Duncan Red = DiMarzio White
Green and the bare shield are the same.
And one more note. All of the little symbols that have the 3 lines mean connect to ground. Most folks do that on the back of the volume pot.
The colors in the diagram are for Seymour Duncan. I used light gray instead of white because white doesnt print.

Seymour Duncan has a nice chart for that here:

In plain text, here is the conversion:
Duncan Black = DiMarzio Red
Duncan White = DiMarzio Black
Duncan Red = DiMarzio White
Green and the bare shield are the same.
Awesome, thanks SO much for your help!
Thanks again for the help in this thread. I went with a Fender super switch and got it wired up today. Took the opportunity to clean + oil the fretboard and give it fresh strings, too, this one's even more of a joy to play now. This is a "before" pic, but thankfully it didn't look any different with the new swtich!

PIA Super Switch.jpg