
30 fret necks

the artfields were really nice though....
they used exotic woods too!




That bass sure has skinny strings. Seriously, it looks more like a bass than a guitar.
I'd be happy if they offer some real 24 fret options (no, the current options are not acceptable to me). And yes, this is about the only topic I chime in on.

I probably wouldn't play a 30 fret neck, but I support their existence. Mostly because I know how the Luddites respond when the subject of a true 24 fret option comes (ie - "Why would anyone want to go that high?").

One thing to consider, and its been mentioned in this thread already...    up that high and you're in glissando territory. The suggestion of putting a glass or steel plate under the strings (so you can slide around the pitches with a pick or fingernail seems like an interesting idea that I might have to explore.
GMGM said:
I'd be happy if they offer some real 24 fret options (no, the current options are not acceptable to me). And yes, this is about the only topic I chime in on.

I probably wouldn't play a 30 fret neck, but I support their existence. Mostly because I know how the Luddites respond when the subject of a true 24 fret option comes (ie - "Why would anyone want to go that high?").

One thing to consider, and its been mentioned in this thread already...    up that high and you're in glissando territory. The suggestion of putting a glass or steel plate under the strings (so you can slide around the pitches with a pick or fingernail seems like an interesting idea that I might have to explore.
My best guess for what you mean by "real" 24 fret neck is simply relocating the neck joint. Otherwise, it's exactly the same. Fret extensions in the same scale length are in the exact same place as "real" 24 neck frets. I understand the appeal of a 24 fret neck, but 24 frets is 24 frets. The access is the only difference.
GMGM said:
I'd be happy if they offer some real 24 fret options (no, the current options are not acceptable to me). And yes, this is about the only topic I chime in on.

Including the 7/8" series?
Yes including the 7/8. Alternate scale lengths. And I'm aware of the neck pocket vs bridge location vs fret overhang vs soloist extended cutaway. I know full-well how and why these necks and bodies would not be interchangeable with Fender parts.

By 'real 24 fret' I'm talking about 24 frets that you can actually reach with a streamlined heal. Ibanez AANJ is a bout perfect for me - but I hate pointy looking "metal " guitars. I would love this in a strat design.

Currently, a custom builder is the only option, so that's what I'm doing. For the same money I could build 3-4 Warmoth's, but they aren't interested in that business.