
3 Warmoth strat builds for sale , 2 are very high spec , links included

I buy sell and collect guitars and i dig warmoths. These three are for sale right now. Price will be for PP including me paying hte fee's and shipping and insurance.

I have 12 pics of all of them on ebay. But as always the price here is much cheaper than the ebay price. SEE THE LINK FOR PICS

Email me if interested

975$ shipped


* Warmoth 59 roundback neck, no fretwear, vintage tint, 11 straight
radius , warmoth pro side adjusting build. Corian nut , Fender locking

* Warmoth swamp ash body, Amber burst. Fender Corona neckplate.
Backplate undrilled (better that way) , Hand picked special
order specimen (highly figured) , SSS , vintage spacing.

* Brand new just installed Gotoh GE101TS , traditional tremolo. Steel
high mass block, steel saddles, made in Japan, outstanding tone and

* Bare knuckle mothers milk bridge pickup, Seymour duncan antiqity
surfer middle, & Bare knuckle appache neck. All scatterwound vintage

* Wiring harness is again vintage spec high quality USA made, bought
from" Art of Tone" you can look them up here on Ebay, the capacitor is
a new old stock ARCO 1960s era ceramic disk, the same kind Hendix
used. Quality american pots.

Ok, as is with Warmoths there are different directions you can go
which affect the value and desireability of the guitar. You can build
a really custom unique guitar that only you like, or you can opt to
make a very traditional classic build with universally desired
components. This build is clearly the latter.

It was designed to be the ultimate classic stratocaster right down to
the smallest specs. The pickups cost me a small fortune, as they are
UK handwound bare knuckles and one Duncan custom shop antiquity. They
sound more dynamic and open than any other pickup you will hear. They
are woody sounding and have bite and snap to the treble without
Harshness. Sweet, detailed, singing treble is what you hear in from

The body wood begets a strong resonant output, with strong lows and
great clarity. Alder is more open and warm. Ash which this guitar is,
is more focused and distinct. They are night and day different. The
neck has a thick rosewood board which adds warmth and the pickups are
very open sounding well. All bright components or all warm components
does not yield the best tone. A Synergistic composite of different
components creates a more complex, richer tone.

All of this was considered and researched when this guitar was made.
It has a great setup and plays like butter, and has an estimated 80
hours of playtime on it. No fretwear yet. And is in very good used
condition. Finish is still glossy and shiny. There are two very small
finish fleck at the bottom corner. I cannot even capture them with the
camera. See pics for overall condition.

975$ shipped

* 2 piece Alder body, brownish Tobacco burst, string thru body hardtail bridge
* Fender custom shop 54's neck and middle pickups
* Seymour duncan SSL-5 bridge pickup
* Warmoth pickguard, high quality electronics
* Neck is a 2015 Warmoth standard, thin nitro finished ( See pic for full specs)
* Locking schaller machine heads

This guitar sounds great. I really learned a lot about tonewood from owning this one and i really find that Alder begets the sweetest tone. The SSL-5 is another important part of the tone. I think it is probably the most perfect bridge sound for a strat. The reason being is it has the definitive strat sound, with sparkle, high end treble extension or "bite"  while still sounding smooth and 3D. But it has more of it. This pickup was not on my radar previously because i worried it might sound modern and dumbed down. To my ears it sounds vintage correct just with more authority, sustain and ability to create gain in an amp. No strat detail or characteristics are lost. Other high gain strat pups i have played like Lace or EMG have that problem. They have power but do not sound like a strat.

The neck is great. It is much newer than the body. Which is important because frets wear out. Bodies do not. The body looks great, but it does have some dings mostly along the edge's of the body. The finish work and color is beautiful so i still love the look of the body, but it does have honest playwear. The neck feels really sleek and fast.

* Warmoth Alder stratocaster body, custom finished by Mark Jenny MJT in white/blonde heavy distressed

  699$ shipped

* Warmoth neck , Warmoth Neck SRV Shape w 6100 Fret Wire Maple w Pau Ferro Fingerboard. Also finished to look aged by MJT, with vintage style tuners

* Callaham hardended cold rolled Vintage S Model Strat Tremolo system

* Boutique hand wound, Luther Lee prewired pickguard , (classic vintage hot 60s style) cream aged Knobs and pickguard.

If this guitar intrigues you i highly recommend you research the parts that went into this build. This is  the creme dela creme of custom stratocaster building here. Ok, now on to the description.

First of all the White blonde finish is amazing. I was never a fan of relics until i owned an MJT and they are masterpieces. The finish even shows subtle little spiderweb cracks. The thing is a work of art literally you can marvel at it when you hold it in person. The neck finish relicing is more so just a very fine even blended matte satin texture to the neck back. It feels smooth as butter.

It plays great and has been setup for 10s. The tone is a very character rich vintage 60s sound. Everything is period correct right down to the hand scatterwound pickups. Luther Lee did a great job on these. I find them pretty much the same as Duncan antiquities and Bare knuckle vintage winds. They are rich in dynamics and warm frequencies and have a three dimensional complexity to them.

Callaham bridge rounds things out here. I have always liked these and have them on other guitars. They sustain for days. And give excellent note seperation and articulation to the guitar. Without sounding "bright".  All together you have one of the most authentic period correct VOS strats ever made. It sounds amazing. As good as it looks.

