
3 Single Coils / 5-way Switch / 1 Volume / 1 Tone (DPDT On-On Push/Pull)


Hero Member
Hi, all. I've got GAS. Been keeping me up, lately. I want to buy something, build something, tinker with something.

I've been thinking of a Strat with three P-90s, a 5-way blade Switch / 1 Volume and 1 Tone that is an On-On Push/Pull pot for the "Magnificent Seven" mod, adding the options for Bridge + Neck, and all three pickups at once.

I took a Seymour Duncan 3 single-coil wiring diagram and modified it. It's backwards because I'm a lefty. I plan on shielding the pickguard, so the pots will be linked that way, and with solder lugs with a bus wire running to the jack ground. The tags normally grounded to the backs of the pots would also be bused to the jack ground. I know those representations are missing, so please don't think of those as a grounding faux pas.

My questions are whether the diagram makes sense, otherwise. Do the hot wires go to the right places? Is the On-On represented in a way that would make it behave as desired (Bridge + Neck, All Three)?



First off, don't connect anything to the second common terminal of the pickup selector. You are only increasing the possibility of hearing switch pop when selecting pickups by doing it the way it's shown.

The rest of the diagram looks good, except that the bridge pickup runs in series with the tone cap on it's path to the output, when you close the push/pull switch. Move that connection at the tone pot over to the input of the volume pot, or, the output, if you want the bridge at full volume.
Thanks, Joe.

I saw a few different ways to wire the Strat switch, so I'll look at those. I kept the terminal connections cited by SD in their diagram; I had no idea about the popping issue. Strange they'd represent it that way.

So, if I just move the capacitor connection from the center lug of the volume pot to the other lug, that would solve the series issue with the bridge hot?
No. The wire that starts at the push/pull and ends on one lug of the tone pot should be changed so it starts at the push/pull and ends on the rightmost lug of the volume pot (the same place that the output of the5-way connects to).