
3 S pickups, one vol, one tone

animal control

Junior Member
From my limited understanding, if I wanted the tone control only on the bridge pickup, if I moved the switch to B plus M, it would affect them both. I'll be doing this with a mega switch because I like the B plus N position, but ideally I'd like the tone to affect only the bridge pup. Is that possible, dear electronics gurus?
There are two ways to do it, both offering compromises.

One way is to put a series resistance between the bridge pickup and the output, to isolate it from the middle pickup. This of course, attenuates the output/treble.

The other way is to buffer the pickups. Buffering the bridge from the middle means the pickups cannot load against each other, however, so it will yield a different tone.
Basically, without an electronics degree, no you can't. Besides the above, you could hard wire the pickups to separate outputs on a stereo jack - as long as you had a stereo cable and sent the signals to two separate amps, you'd be fine.

Edit: Actually, with a mega switch you CAN deactivate the tone control entirely in a position, if you like, so, bridge position it works, bridge + middle it doesn't work at all. That seems silly but it also seems silly to try to manage the tone of one pickup while it's in parallel with another that's not tone-controlled - what's the point, would the difference be noticeable? I mean, you've never played a guitar wired that way so why do you think that's an option worth chasing?
Thanks for the replies. I'm experimenting with tone controls. I have only ever left them all the way up. My first Warmoth build had no tone control at all. I'm happy with it. If there is anything I'd like to try controlling, it would be the bridge when it's solo, so I'll take a close look at the megaswitch lugs. If I find it' s not worth the effort I can always hook it up for everything or disconnect it.