
24 repositioning - dual humbuckers

The Norwegian Guy

Hero Member
Does a dual humbucker rear routed strat need a 24 fret repositioning?
Because the custom body builder doesn't have the repositioning as an option when I'm choosing dual humbuckers.
The Norwegian Guy said:
Does a dual humbucker rear routed strat need a 24 fret repositioning?
Because the custom body builder doesn't have the repositioning as an option when I'm choosing dual humbuckers.
If I read your question correctly, the answer is yes. If you order a 24 fret extension, the neck pickup has to be moved further back. regardless of rear route or top route...  :icon_biggrin:
I dont know if maybe someone has seen this since you posted and fixed it, but I just tried it and it worked for me :dontknow:

Haha already thinking about another build?  :laughing7: