When they were spraying this building for bugs, we had to evacuate - they were doing it the right way. To find someone who likes cats enough to put up two adult males? Well, the first place they went, Pandit, the big dumb white one (who is almost an alter ego of mine, escaped from my skull and sprouting claws and walking around howling at perceived injustices) he was creeping the house late at night, got freaked by a noise, and hid behind the closest thing - the water heater... because he's dumb and has no idea what size he is he kept crawling into the pipes rather than backing out - actually no animal tends to back out of traps because whatever scared them into it is, theoretically, still out there to eat them. So he got trapped pretty bad, it took a couple of hours for me to get there and extricate him. He was very, very lucky to get only a bad third degree burn - lucky because it was across his big fat stomach, for which I have often teased him but it probably saved his (dumb) life. If it had been across a leg, he'd be a tripod, across the neck, back, face... eeewww. But it ramped up over $300 all told, because I tried taking them back to the same house for the second bug spraying - NO GO - so I had to board him for the second and third spraying - like I said, they did it right way, 3 times two weeks apart to get the buggy little eggs and all. And he still blames me, because everything that happens to him is my fault including thunderstorms and water heaters. Unlike the old wise gray one, who takes it all in stride and thinks it's great anytime Pandit's mad because then he gets the "A" spot on the bed and the premium-grade ear-scratch. Frigging cats. And NOW aren't you sorry you asked.... they're even worse than kids, because a kid can tell you what hurts, where, how much... with a cat it's like dump cat-hit bank-pick up cat - and they still blame YOU.